Un pure site de propagande ! C'est impressionnant le nombre de sites musulmans qui ne sont qu'un ramassis de stupidités insanes...
Aucune source n'est explicitement citée, et la plupart des affirmations sont manifestement fausses et malhonnêtes.
On sait que l'islam est la religion en plus forte croissance démographique dans le monde. Il y a plusieurs raisons à cela :
- le taux de renouvellement naturel des populations musulmanes qui est très important (ce qui est, hélas, souvent signe de sous-développement humain)
- l'interdiction/pénalisation de l'apostasie
- la liberté de conscience et de culte qui est très limitée ou inexistante dans bon nombre de pays musulmans
- l'importance des conversions, notamment en Occident (qui sont, cependant, systématiquement surestimées par les autorités musulmanes)
Mais hélas, ce n'est pas avec ce site qu'on disposera de projections statistiques crédibles permettant de cerner l'ampleur du phénomène.
Il a cependant le mérite d'être (involontairement) drôle, grâce à ses sentences totalement arbitraires et ses comparaisons farfelues.
Quelques exemples de passages sympathiques :
Laquelle des 3 religions reconnaît les 2 autres
Ne reconnaît pas les deux autres
Ne reconnaît pas l’Islam
Reconnaît les 3
Attitude par rapport à la science et la raison
Raison et foi incompatibles
Raison et foi incompatibles.
Condamnation de Galilée parce qu'il a annoncé que la terre était ronde
A Vatican I, Jean-Paul II écrivait que la raison et la foi sont les "deux ailes" de la connaissance avec lesquelles l'homme s'élève vers la vérité (sans pour autant résoudre les incompatibilités fortes entre les écritures saintes et les données établies par la science moderne).
Placage de cinquantes hadiths et versets pour la plupart totalement HS !!]
Religion la plus critiquée dans nos médias
Méthode : une statistique sur 100 dernières dépêches yahoo et Google en français avec les mots clefs Judaïsme, Christianisme, Islam : comptage de "bienveillant", de "neutre" et de "malveillant", et ce à plusieurs périodes de 2005
Très peu
Un peu trop
Comptages du Coran
Nombre de fois ou le mot prière est cité 5
Le nombre de prières journalières pour les musulmans 5
Nombre de fois ou le mot mois est cité 12
Le nombre de mois 12
Nombre de fois ou le mot jour est cité 365
Le nombre de jours 365
Nombre de fois où le mot mer est cité 32
Nombre de fois où le mot terre est cité 13
Or, 32/(32+13) = 71,111 % = pourcentage effectif de la surface des mers sur terre
Strong inequality regarding the question of the adultery
To this day in Israël: strong inequality regarding the question of the adultery
Today in Israël, if a married man gets into relations out of marriage with a non married woman, his children from this woman are considered legitimate. But, if a married woman has a extra-marital relation with a man, married or not, her children from this man are not only illegitimate, but they are considered as bastards, and cannot get married to any Jew except if bastard or converted. This segregation is transmitted to the children for ten generations until the stain of the adultery is really gone
"And don’t approach at all from the fornication. In truth, this is a turpitude and what a bad road" Quran
"If your brother, son of your mother, or your son or your daughter, or the woman that rests on your breast, or your friend that you like as yourself, incites you secretly by saying: let us go and worship other gods -gods that neither you nor your fathers did not know, among the gods of the people that surround you, close to you or far from you, from one end of the earth to another, you will not accept that, and you will not listen to him, you will not give him a look of pity, you will not save him, and you will not protect him. But you will make him die, your hand will raise itself first on him to put him to death, and next the hand of the whole people; you will kill him and he will die. .." Deuteronome 13:6
"If your brother, son of your mother, or your son or your daughter, or the woman that rests on your breast, or your friend that you like as yourself, incites you secretly by saying: let us go and worship other gods -gods that neither you nor your fathers did not know, among the gods of the people that surround you, close to you or far from you, from one end of the earth to another, you will not accept that, and you will not listen to him, you will not give him a look of pity, you will not save him, and you will not protect him. But you will make him die, your hand will raise itself first on him to put him to death, and next the hand of the whole people; you will kill him and he will die. .." Deuteronome 13:6
In 1052, decision to expel from Seville and its vicinity the Muslims that would refuse the baptism, provided that they don’t take a road leading to a Muslim territory, in which case they would be put to death.
Talmud and jewish writings post-biblical burnt for impiety by st louis.
John: the some seventy times where he uses the word jewish, almost always in a negative manner, weigh nonetheless very heavy.
This anti-judaism is registered in these texts, the most universally known of christianity" (Marcus 16:16) Go everywhere, and preach the gospel to the whole creation.
The one that will believe will be baptized will be saved; and the one that will not believe will be condemned.
Vatican II: what was committed during His Passion cannot be ascribed vaguely to all the living Jews then nor to the Jews of our time
The Jews are even more guilty for having been unfaithful while they had received the biggest privileges
Decision to expel every Jewish that would refuse the baptism in (while stealing their goods at the same time to abandon them in poverty and need!)
Vatican II: recognizes the injustice of the past of which the Christian education of the West was guilty in the eyes of the Muslims
The Council of Vatican declares that the human person has the right for religious freedom: By virtue of their dignity, all men, because they are persons, meaning they are gifted with reason and free will, and, by consequence, provided with a personal responsibility, are urged, by their very nature, and held, by moral obligation, to look for the truth, the one that concerns the religion first. They are also urged to adhere to the truth as soon as they know it and to regulate the road of their life according to the requirements of this truth.
Quran: "you will find that the people the closest and the friendliest towards those who believe are those who say: « We are Christians! ». It is that among those, are the priests and monks and that these people not at all swell with pride"
"The religion the most liked of God is the tolerant islam" Mouhammad
The Jews are again more guilty for having been unfaithful while they had received the biggest privileges
The Spanish historian Americo Castro praises the coexistence of the Muslims, Jews and Christians in Muslim Spain, calling it “prestigious exampke of Islamic tolerance”
Islam preaches the religios liberty for everyone and protects the framework in which each religion practices its worship.
Simplement moi a écrit :
D'une crédibilité... à toute épreuve !!!!
Il suffit de le parcourir. (les affirmations en FRANCAIS sont a la fin de la page et sont sans sources... mais on devine aussi de l'Haroun Yahyia bien souvent... )