Quelle musique écoutez-vous?

Sujet d'actualité Au Québec l'accommodement raisonnable, un sujet d'actualité.

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Ecrit le 04 mars06, 01:29

Message par florence.yvonne »

un métier d'avenir, prothésiste audio, investissez dans des entreprises de fabrications de sonotones, vous deviendrez riches. :D

Pasteur Patrick

[ Christianisme ] Protestant
[ Christianisme ] Protestant
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Enregistré le : 08 déc.03, 07:11
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Ecrit le 04 mars06, 01:35

Message par Pasteur Patrick »

Pasteur Patrick a écrit :C'est vrai , tu as raison, proserpina.
Mais un peu d'agacement ne trouble par l'ordre mondial pour autant.
C'était un "avis", une "opinion", la mienne.

De toute façon, j'ai toujours dit et écrit que la musique est d'abord une émotion ! je l'ai écrit à maintes reprises.
L'émotion est certes omniprésente mais tu seras d'accord avec moi pour dire que la musique, c'est aussi des critères objectifs. Je ne parle pas du qualitatif encore. Wagner m'a toujours énervé moi aussi. J'ai écrit'ailleurs plus haut que ce n'est pas parce qu'on est musicien de formation classique qu'on aime forécément toute la musique "classique", j'ai plutôt insité qu'en connaissant beaucoup, on pouvait mieux choisir car la palette sonore est plus vaste. Un peintre de génie peut ne se servir que de deux couleurs, pourquoi pas? Mais s'il a une palette plus large, n'en fera-t-il pas meilleur usage ? En musique, c'est pareil. Et c'est le défaut de connaissance (quelle place dans nos écoles secondaire à la musique?) que je dénonce.

Concernant la musique qui fait fuir les animaux: c'est une vérité "d'ordre physique" ! Ici, ce n'est pas spécialement le musicien qui parle à une professionnelle de la musique. C'est l'homme! Hic homo ;)

Je parlais de musique dite metal ou techno: as-tu déjà écouté des morceaux de ce type ?

Faut être "humain" pour supporter des bruits quasi-mortels et certainement dangereux pour les oreilles !

J'ai des élèves qui me disent en rigolant qu'après un concert, ils ont des problèmes acoustiques (des acouphènes en réalité) pendant deux à trois jours,parfois plus !
Le jour où ils dorment après ces concerts nocturnes, ils sont encore sous le coup de désordres physiques qu'ils ressentent dans leur corps plusieurs heures après!
Les jeunes sont de plus en plus exposés aujourd'hui à des déficiences de loisirs liés aux surexpositions sonores.

L’association France Acouphènes estime que 150 000 personnes seraient gravement atteintes en France. Car en étant surexposé au bruit, on peut souffrir d'hyperacousie, souffrir d'acouphènes permanents, de bourdonnements intempestifs etc.

Sais-tu que mon otologiste me dit qu'il a de plus en plus d' adolescents et de jeunes adultes à son cabinet alors qu'en début de carrière, il y a 30 ans, il n'avait que des quinquagénaires en majorité et quelques autres. La tendance s'aggrave et il convient de tirer la sonnette d'alarme ! Cela devient urgentissime.
Ca, je ne l'ai pas inventé.
D'ailleurs, je suis persuadé que tu le sais mieux que moi-même.
L'abus de décibels est nuisible pour la santé.
Etant concerné par la presbyacousie naturelle (ou innée) moi-même, je me bats contre le bruit depuis des années.

France 2 consacrera d'ici quinze jours une émission Savoir Plus Santé sur les problèmes de surdité (samedi) cf. http://savoirplussante.france2.fr

Pour aller plus loin, va voir ceci:
"Pourquoi des jeunes d’à peine 30 ans ont la même capacité auditive que leurs parents de 50 ans ? Des études révèlent que les premiers signes de malentendance apparaissent chez 6 % des 15-19 ans et 9 % des 20-24 ans. Principal responsable : la musique amplifiée, en concert ou sur baladeur.
Enfin, 87 % des 15-24 ans utilisent couramment un baladeur, et 20 % de ces utilisateurs disent les écouter plus de 5 heures par jour à pleine puissance. Avec des pointes à 110 dB, les niveaux sonores sont comparables avec ceux des discothèques (100 à 120 dB) ou des salles de concert (120 à jusqu’à 139,5 dB à proximité des enceintes)."

Les chiffres parlent d'eux-mêmes: "On estime à 5 millions le nombre de malentendants en France. Parmi eux, beaucoup ne prêtent qu'une oreille distraite à ce problème."

Réf.: http://doctissimo.fr


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Ecrit le 04 mars06, 01:59

Message par proserpina »

Pasteur Patrick,

Ah je savais bien qu'on étais d'accord sur presque tout ! :lol:

Concernant la perte de faculté auditive, je pense exactement la meme chose que toi, et il serait temps que les pouvoirs publics prennent des mesures draconnienne pour eviter la génération de sourds qui en en train de se creer.

Mais, là ce n'est pas la qualité de la musique qui est mise en cause mais le volume sonore.

Ecouter "Athis" de Lully le plus fort possible avec un casque sur les oreilles est pareillemnt nuisible ;)

Le problème posé est surtout la très mauvaise habitude de mettre le son à fond alors que cela n'apporte rien de plus de mal aux oreilles et l'emploi inconsidéré des casques avec de la musique trop forte.

pour ma part, je vais au cinéma avec des protections dans les oreilles pour les proteger , j'ai abandonné l'idée d'aller en boite (le casque anti-bruit etant peu seyant), et en général je quitte les noces en courant dès que la sono est lancé.....

Cela reste un mystère pour moi que le plaisir que peuvent eprouver les gens que d'avoir mal aux oreilles, de ne pouvoir discuter qu'en hurlant ou en parlant avec les mains , et de se bousiller les tympans...

Mais je ne suis pas sur que cela a tellemtn à voir avec la musique meme s'il n'en reste pas moins vrai que la musique dite classique qui n'est pas amplifiée en concert est plus à l'abri de telles derives...



Ecrit le 04 mars06, 02:35

Message par Invité »

[Note du modérateur : HS. Erriep]

Pasteur Patrick

[ Christianisme ] Protestant
[ Christianisme ] Protestant
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Enregistré le : 08 déc.03, 07:11
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Ecrit le 04 mars06, 06:52

Message par Pasteur Patrick »

En dvenant subitement presbyacousique, j'ai eu tellement peur de devenir sourd profond que je mesuis renseigné sur les cours pour apprendre la Langue des Signes (LS) qui coutent assez chers.
En fait, on devrait l'apprendre à l'école dès le splus jeune âge ...Ce serait une idée à creusercar tôt ou tard, on est tous amené à "se parler" de loin avec des signes, ou dans le bruit environnant , ou dans la discrétion etc.

Au fond on a en Occident et dans toutes les langues indoeuropéennes surtout développé le verbal et oublié le langage gestuel (dont la LS fait partie). Platon signalait déjà que les sourds de son époque communiquaient par signes !

Pour le bruit qui nous assaille, que faire ?
Où j'habite: je sors en rue: musqiue "gratuite" dans des hauts parleurs dans les rues,soi-disant pour égayer... 0 cela faut ajouter que la musique est d'un gout douteux (musique kilométrique, tu comprends ce que je veux dire); les voitures,les camions, les passants etc. Les magasins ont chacun leur musique ou leur radio allumée quand ce n'est pas une télévision.
Où que tu ailles, on t'impose une "musique" que tu n'as pas choisie !
Au restaurant, pareil.
Au cinéma: le son est assourdissant ! Je dois éteindre mon appareil acoustique sinon je deviens "fou".
Nous vivons dans un univers sonore permanent !
Même à l'église où je ve rends pour travailler l'orgue, je dois d'abord éteindre la musique d'un cassetophone... Le curé croit bien faire en répondant à la demande. Imagine le genre de musique qu'il faut se farcir!
Les exemples abondent... malheureusement.


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Ecrit le 04 mars06, 07:15

Message par IIuowolus »

J'ai un peux tout ce qui est beau donc
C'est un peu long....
Alors c'est plus simple si je colle la liste.

2481 tracks in playlist, average track length: 4:43
Estimated playlist length: 195 hours 11 minutes 23 seconds
(326 tracks of unknown length)
Right-click here to save this HTML file.

Playlist files:

1. Bruno Fergani / FTP - Dark Side (4:38)
2. Faith No More - Easy (3:09)
3. (Placebo) - 20th Century Boy (3:38)
4. ..oO hOlo Oo.. [ROTA] - Point Zero (4:29)
5. Various - Dr.Motte and Westbam - Sunshine (short mix) (3:55)
6. Various - Energy 52 / Cafe Del Mar (Three 'n One RMX) (8:43)
7. Various Artists - Hallucinogen / Gamma Goblins (7:01)
8. Various - John Morris Orchestra / Baby's Walk (0:38)
9. 01 - Qu'est Ce Qui Nous Tente - Louise Attaque (2:48)
10. Various - Randy: The war on a Layer of my tooth (3:17)
11. Various Artists - The 5 Flute/Donald McLennan's Exercise/What Pain I Have Endured Since Last Year - Old Blind Dogs (3:03)
12. 01 - Track 1 (3:35)
13. Various Artists - Westbam / Celebration Generation - Chapter II (Westbam Remix) (5:28)
14. Various - Al Stewart - On The Border (3:20)
15. Various - Foreigner / Cold As Ice (4:50)
16. Various - Goombay Dance Band / Sun Of Jamaica (4:14)
17. Various - Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes / If You Don't Know Me By Now (3:26)
18. various - Hit the Bongo * Tito Puente (3:37)
19. Various - Howard Carpendale / Hello Again (3:32)
20. Vaughan, Stevie Ray and Double Trouble - Say What! (5:23)
21. Vaughan, Stevie Ray - The House Is Rockin' (2:24)
22. Various - Then he kissed me (2:46)
23. Various - Tony Esposito / Kalimbo de luna (5:58)
24. Various Artists - An Drochaid Chluiteach/Swallow's Tail/MacFadden's Reel - Anna Mhoireach (3:10)
25. Various - Franke Valli & The Four Seasons / Big Girls Don't Cry (2:23)
26. Various - Mary Beats Jane: Coca Cola Report (2:43)
27. Various Artists - Microwave Prince / I Need Love (6:00)
28. Various Artists - Psychopod / Psychopod (9:08)
29. Various - RMB - Break the silence (vinyl mix) (6:33)
30. Various - The Blue Boy / Remember Me (Sure Is Pure 7" Edit) (3:49)
31. Various Artists - Chris De Burgh - The Lady In Red (4:18)
32. 02. Crossfire.mp3
33. 02. Gilbert O'sullivan Alone Again.mp3
34. 02. Jimmy Ruffin What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted.mp3
35. 02. Lookin' Out The Window.mp3
36. 02. Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow.mp3
37. 02. Muneca Eddie Palmieri.mp3
38. 02. Pussycat Mississippi.mp3
39. 02. Sh Boom Sh Boom.mp3
40. 03 - Ashram Mood.mp3
41. 03 - Celvin Rotane Back Again (Extended Mix).mp3
42. 03 - Dr Pravda Krankenhaus.mp3
43. 03 - Manmademan And Tristan Purple Merlin.mp3
44. 03 - Michael Lloyd & Le Disc Merengue.mp3
45. 03 - The Gneevguillia Reelare You Willinghanly's Tweedniamh's Caperscregg's Pipes - Tabache.mp3
46. 03. Celine Dion & Clive Griffin - When I Fall In Love.mp3
47. 03. El Esencia Del Guaguanco Johnny Pacheco.mp3
48. 03. I Get Lonely Janet Jackson.mp3
49. 03. Leo Sayer - When I Need You.mp3
50. 03. Look At Little Sister.mp3
51. 03. Remember Walking.mp3
52. 03. Shania Twain Wild & Wicked.mp3
53. 03. Tightrope.mp3
54. 04 - Buttons & Bows - Inisheer.mp3
55. 04 - Dia Psalma We Love You.mp3
56. 04 - Hallucinogen Soothsayer (The Lysurgeon Warning Remix).mp3
57. 04. Chad & Jeremy Donna Donna.mp3
58. 04. Duke Of Earl.mp3
59. 04. Enigma - Principles Of Lust.mp3
60. various - Senor Serano * Ismael Miranda (5:32)
61. Various - Stop / Spice Girls (3:25)
62. Various - T'Pau / Heart & Soul ´97 (3:51)
63. 04. The Babys - Isn't It Time.mp3
64. 05 - Club Nouveau - Step By Step.mp3
65. 05 - Kinks All Day And All Of The Night.mp3
66. 05 - Michael Lloyd & Le Disc Johnny's Mambo.mp3
67. 05 - No Fun At All Growing Old Growing Cold.mp3
68. 05 - Solar Quest Acid Air Raid.mp3
69. 05 - X-Dream Panic In Paradise.mp3
70. 05. Amen Corner If Paradise Is Half As Nice.mp3
71. 05. Broken Wings C-Block.mp3
72. 05. Gone Home.mp3
73. 05. Jimmy Clanton Venus In Blue Jeans.mp3
74. 05. Jive Samba Jack Constanzo & Gerry Woo.mp3
75. 05. Kincade Dreams Are Ten A Penny.mp3
76. 05. Leave My Girl Alone.mp3
77. 05. Little River Band - Home On Monday.mp3
78. 05. Nilsson - Without You.mp3
79. 05. Smockie When The Lightning Strickes.mp3
80. 06 - Contours Do You Love Me.mp3
81. 06 - Crazy World Of Arthur Brown Fire.mp3
82. 06 - Junk Project Junkhunter (De Donatis Mix).mp3
83. 06 - K5 - Passion (Original Edit).mp3
84. 06 - Never Was Piping So Gaydavey'stomeen O' Dea's Reel - Dervish.mp3
85. 06 - Paul Van Dyk My World (Texel Mix).mp3
86. 06 - The Infinity Project Phosphoressence.mp3
87. 06. Animals Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood.mp3
88. 06. Asia Diamond City.mp3
89. 06. Change It.mp3
90. 06. Gary U.s. Bonds - It's Only Love.mp3
91. 06. Johnny Tillotson Poetry In Motion.mp3
92. 06. La Verdad Eddie Palmieri.mp3
93. 06. My Guy.mp3
94. 06. Tabula Rasa Mellowbag & Freundeskreis Feat. Mr. Gentleman.mp3
95. 06. Tina Turner - Goldeneye.mp3
96. 06. Travis Walk.mp3
97. 07 - Doof People In Ufo's.mp3
98. 07 - Fireside Throwstar.mp3
99. 07 - Phoenixx The Mongolian Rider (Wild At Heart Mix).mp3
100. 07 - Random Noise Generation - Falling In Dub (Original Mix).mp3
101. 07 - Scritti Politti - Best Thing Ever.mp3
102. 07 - Small Faces All Or Nothing.mp3
103. 07 - Trip To Skye - John Whelan.mp3
104. 07. Boy George Wishing Well.mp3
105. 07. El Malecon Orchestra Harlow.mp3
106. 07. Flowerpot Men Let's Go To San Francisco.mp3
107. 07. Letzte Nacht Creme De La Creme.mp3
108. 07. Little Steven - The Time Of Your Life.mp3
109. 07. Mink Deville - Spanish Stroll.mp3
110. 07. Ned Miller Invisible Tears.mp3
111. 07. Rhythm Of The Rain.mp3
112. 07. The Toys A Lover's Concerto.mp3
113. 07. Wall Of Denial.mp3
114. 07. Wishbone Ash Come In From The Rain.mp3
115. 08 - Alien Factory Tomorrow.mp3
116. Various - Cream / I Feel Free (2:56)
117. 08 - Dj Mo Vs Marc De Clarq - Electric (Short Original Mix).mp3
118. 08 - Madonna - Can't Stop.mp3
119. 08 - Orichalcum Alien Homes.mp3
120. 08 - Paul Van Dyk Forbidden Fruit (Video Edit).mp3
121. 08 - Surfaris Wipeout.mp3
122. 08 - The Boy In The Gap - Pat Kilbride.mp3
123. 08. Association Cherish.mp3
124. Various - Beep Me 911 / Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott feat. 702 (4:58)
125. Vaughan, Stevie Ray and Double Trouble - Empty Arms (3:03)
126. 08. Gilbert O'sullivan Clair.mp3
127. 08. Manteca Alegre All Stars.mp3
128. 08. Scratch-N-Sniff.mp3
129. 08. The Beautiful South - Les Yeux Ouverts.mp3
130. 08. The Turtles Happy Together.mp3
131. 08. Venus In Blue Jeans.mp3
132. 09 - Big Brother And The Holding Co. Piece Of My Heart.mp3
133. 09 - Coati Mundi - El Coco Loco (So So Bad).mp3
134. 09 - Gavotten Ar Menez - Kornog.mp3
135. 09 - Otis Redding These Arms Of Mine.mp3
136. 09 - Teddybears Blockhead.mp3
137. 09 - The Antidote Sunrise.mp3
138. 09 - Tpa Feat. Supa. T Gotta Jump.mp3
139. 09 - Ultrahigh The Revenge Of The Maya Gods.mp3
140. 09. Aaron Neville Tell It Like It Is.mp3
141. 09. Aguzate Ricardo Ray.mp3
142. 09. Association Windy.mp3
143. 09. Come On (Part Iii).mp3
144. 09. Conway Twitty It's Only Make Believe.mp3
145. 09. Daryl Hall & John Oates Angelina.mp3
146. 09. Dear Mallika The Rapsody Feat. Ll Cool J.mp3
147. 09. Love Me Darlin'.mp3
148. 09. Monty Python - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life.mp3
149. 10 - Hardsequencer It's Raw.mp3
150. 10 - Mott The Hoople Golden Age Of Rock'n'roll.mp3
151. 10 - Secret Cinema Timeless Altitude (Hardfloor Remix).mp3
152. 10 - Three 'n One - Sin City.mp3
153. 10. Don Mclean - American Pie.mp3
154. 10. Fleetwood Mac Man Of The World.mp3
155. 10. Girls.mp3
156. 10. Iggi Pop Search And Destroy.mp3
157. 10. Los Caballeros No Tengo Dinero.mp3
158. 10. Owner Of A Lonely Heart Ruff.mp3
159. 10. Riviera Paradise.mp3
160. 11 - Garrai Na Bhfeileoigmiss Galvin - Mary Bergin.mp3
161. 11 - Hex Alright To Love (Exposure Mix).mp3
162. 11 - Kadoc - Rock The Bells.mp3
163. 11 - Rod Stewart It's All Over Now.mp3
164. 11 - Solomon Burke Cry To Me.mp3
165. 11. Blondie One Way Or Another.mp3
166. 11. Crispian St. Peters You Were On My Mind.mp3
167. 11. Fever La Lupe.mp3
168. 11. Huey Lewis & The News - Stuck With You.mp3
169. 11. Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On.mp3
170. 11. Open Up Your Mind R ¦N¦ G.mp3
171. 11. Pat Boone I Almost Lost My Mind.mp3
172. Various - The Gibson Brothers / Cuba (3:49)
173. 12 - Ccs Whole Lotta Love.mp3
174. 12 - Michael Lloyd & Le Disc Trot The Fox.mp3
175. 12 - Mr.x And Mr.y - Free Me (Sum Thing 4 Da Brothers).mp3
176. 12 - Potlatch Girlburn.mp3
177. 12 - The Flight Of The Termitethe Fisherman's Islandkatie's Reelseany Dorris' - Deanta.mp3
178. 12. Catholic Girls Someone New.mp3
179. 12. Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street.mp3
180. 12. Gilbert O'sullivan Happiness Is My And You.mp3
181. 12. Kelly Marie Rescue Me.mp3
182. 12. Merseybeats Wishin' And Hopin'.mp3
183. 12. Out Of The Dark Falco.mp3
184. 12. Tell Laura I Love Her.mp3
185. 12. The House Is Rockin' (Live).mp3
186. 12. Wipeout Ray Barretto.mp3
187. 13 - Disco Powder Disco Powder.mp3
188. Various Artists - Finn MacCool's Reel - Pat Kirtley (2:42)
189. U2 - Heartland (5:03)
190. 13 - Shirelles Will You Love Me Tomorrow.mp3
191. 13 - Snitzer And Mc Coy Vs Humate - Oh My Darling I Love You.mp3
192. 13 - Stukas Scary.mp3
193. 13. Donna Sommer Na Na Hey Hey.mp3
194. 13. Fisher Z - The Worker.mp3
195. 13. La Jicotea Rosendo Ruiz Jr.mp3
196. 13. Let Me Love You Baby (Live).mp3
197. 13. Paper Lace Billy,don't Be A Hero.mp3
198. 13. Paper Lace The Night Chicago Died.mp3
199. 13. Repeated Love A.t.g.o.c..mp3
200. 13. Rick Derringer Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo (Live).mp3
201. 13. Slip Slidin' Slim.mp3
202. 13. The Flirts Put Your Body In Motion.mp3
203. 14 - Emile Bergstein Chorale Kellerman's Anthem.mp3
204. 14 - Gala Freed From Desire (Edit Mix).mp3
205. 14 - God Part Ii.mp3
206. 14 - Raver's Nature - You Blow My Mind.mp3
207. 14 - Refused The Real.mp3
208. 14. Bobby Solo Una Lacrima Sul Viso.mp3
209. 14. David Bowie & Lulu - The Man Who Sold The World.mp3
210. 14. Eartha Kitt - Just An Oldfashioned Girl.mp3
211. 14. Linda & The Funky Boys Shame,shame,shame.mp3
212. 14. Lynn Anderson Rose Garden.mp3
213. 14. New Vaudeville Band Winchester Cathedral.mp3
214. 14. Rick Springfield Welcome To The Rodeo.mp3
215. 14. Stand By Me 4 The Cause.mp3
216. 14. Texas Flood (Live).mp3
217. 14. The Stylistics I Believe I Can Fly.mp3
218. 14. Work Song Tito Puente.mp3
219. 15 - The Star Spangled Banner.mp3
220. Various - George McCrae / Rock Your Baby (3:22)
221. 15. Ii You Prinde.mp3
222. 15. Life Without You (Live).mp3
223. 15. Manila Tito Rodriguez & His Orchestra.mp3
224. 15. Pussycat Georgie.mp3
225. 15. Tom Jones & Tina Turner Hot Legs.mp3
226. 16. Carmelina Alfredito Valdez.mp3
227. 16. Cleopatra¦s Theme Cleopatra.mp3
228. 16. John Dennver - Leaving On A Jet Plane.mp3
229. 16. Mary Hopkin Those Were The Days.mp3
230. 16. Out Of Controll Summer Samba.mp3
231. 16. The Fixx One Thing Leads To Another (Live).mp3
232. 16. The Sweet Ballroom Blitz.mp3
233. 17. Canned Heat On The Road Again (Live).mp3
234. 17. I Want You To Want Me Solid Harmony.mp3
235. 17. Lisa Stansfield - In All The Right Places.mp3
236. 18 - Pre Historic I Found Jesus.mp3
237. 18. I Want To Know What Love Is Rappers Against Racism Feat. Down Low & La Mazz & Cream Factory.mp3
238. 18. Kool & The Gang Joanna.mp3
239. 18. Queen We Will Rock You (Live).mp3
240. 19. We Fly ... Tonight Devision.mp3
241. 20 - 59 Times The Pain Feeling Down.mp3
242. 20. Guildo Hat Euch Lieb! Guildo Horn & Die OrthopSdischen Strnmpfe.mp3
243. 21 - Radioaktiva Rdker Betongrosor.mp3
244. 22 - Millencolin Disney Time.mp3
245. 23 - Liza G Head Chill Out In Hell.mp3
246. 24 - Charta 77 Silence Is Golden.mp3
247. 5tfina (3:45)
248. [Massive Attack] - [Massive Attack] -Unfinished Sympathy- (5:06)
249. [S - Track 5 (5:50)
250. [Sandy] - Track 4 (3:41)
251. AAVV - 303 NATION "Detonation" (3:29)
252. AAVV - ATOMU SHINZO "In Garza (Dub 4 Arielle) (5:08)
253. AAVV - DORIS NORTON "The Dust" (3:57)
254. AAVV - HZK 2000 (feat.: F.ZAPPALA') "Photorealistic Vision" (6:14)
255. AAVV - i "2kd" (6:09)
256. AAVV - Intro (0:11)
257. AAVV - IT "Tele-Transport Beam (Compacted)" (3:27)
258. AAVV - LAGOWSKI "Artificial" (6:55)
259. AAVV - POLYGON WINDOW "Supremacy II" (4:08)
260. AAVV - PRO-PULSE "Glider" (4:39)
261. Abba - Dancing Queen (3:50)
262. ABBA - SOS (3:18)
263. AC - ACDC / T.N.T. (3:34)
264. AC - The Honey Roll (5:35)
265. AC-DC - You shook me all night long (3:31)
266. Accept - Restless And Wild (4:12)
267. Accept - Son Of A Bitch (3:53)
268. ACDC - Are You Ready (4:33)
269. ACDC - back in black (4:28)
270. ACDC - dirty deeds done dirty cheap (5:02)
271. ACDC - fire your guns (3:41)
272. ACDC - For Those About to Rock (We Salute You) (7:08)
273. ACDC - headseeker (3:37)
274. ACDC - Hells Bells (Live) (6:02)
275. ACDC - High Voltage (10:33)
276. ACDC - Highway to Hell (3:53)
277. ACDC - Let There Be Rock (12:17)
278. ACDC - moneytalks (4:19)
279. ACDC - sin city (5:40)
280. ACDC - That's the Way I Wanna Rock & Roll (3:57)
281. ACDC - the razors edge (4:35)
282. ACDC - thunderstruck (6:35)
283. ACDC - Whole Lotta Rosie (4:30)
284. ACDC - You Shook Me All Night Long (3:55)
285. Aerosmith - Can't Stop Messin' (3:30)
286. Aerosmith - Cryin' (5:08)
287. Aerosmith - Dream On (4:27)
288. Aerosmith - Eat The Rich (4:10)
289. Aerosmith - Flesh (5:56)
290. Aerosmith - Get A Grip (3:58)
291. Aerosmith - Intro (0:23)
292. Aerosmith - Livin' On The Edge (6:07)
293. Aerosmith - Shut Up And Dance (4:55)
294. Afromanremix (2:52)
295. Air - All I Need (4:28)
296. Air - Ce Matin La (3:39)
297. Air - Kelly Watch The Stars (3:45)
298. Air - La Femme D'Argent (7:11)
299. Air - Le Voyage De Penelope (3:11)
300. Air - New Star In The Sky (5:40)
301. Air - Remember (2:34)
302. Air - Sexy Boy (4:58)
303. Air - Talisman (4:16)
304. Air - You Make It Easy (4:01)
305. Alien Ant Farm - Courage (3:30)
306. Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal (3:29)
307. All Saints - Pure Shores (4:29)
308. Altan - Beidh Aonach Amarach (There's A Fair Tommorrow) (4:20)
309. Altan - Eoghainin O Ragadain (3:48)
310. Altan - Girl From The North Country (3:28)
311. Altan - Green Grow The Rushes (3:56)
312. Altan - Gusty's Frolicks/Con's Slip Jig/The Pretty Young Girls Of Carrick/The Humours Of Whiskey (5:07)
313. Altan - Island Girl (4:09)
314. Altan - Ten Thousand Miles (3:05)
315. Altan - The Dispute At The Crossroads (3:18)
316. Altan - The King Of Meenasillagh/Lamey's/The High Fiddle Reel (2:49)
317. Altan - The Ookpik Waltz (4:47)
318. Altan - The Verdant Braes Of Screen (3:25)
319. Altan - The Waves Of Gola (3:44)
320. Altan - Tiofaidh An Samhradh (Summer will Come) (3:36)
321. Ann Lee - 2 Times (3:47)
322. Antenne Bayern - Boney M. / Sunny (3:15)
323. Antenne Bayern - Dr. Alban / Sweet Reggae Music (5:28)
324. Antenne Bayern - Eiffel 65 / Blue (3:39)
325. Antenne Bayern - Five / Everybody Get Up (3:25)
326. Antenne Bayern - French Affair / My Heart Goes Boom (3:41)
327. Antenne Bayern - Hermes House Band / I Will Survive (4:06)
328. Antenne Bayern - Jay-Z Featuring Foxy Brown & Babyface / Sunshine (3:16)
329. Antenne Bayern - Lou Bega / Mambo No. 5 (3:40)
330. Antenne Bayern - Miles / Pretty Day (3:07)
331. Antenne Bayern - Tom Jones & Mousse T. / Sex Bomb (3:31)
332. Antenne Bayern - Tone-Loc Meets Z.Z. Bros. / Funky Cold Medina Y2K (3:47)
333. Antenne Bayern - US 3 / Cantaloop (4:38)
334. Aphex Twin - Hot Buttered Popcorn (Techno Mix) (3:39)
335. Aphrodite - Deep In The Jungle (7:01)
336. Aqua - Barbie girl (3:17)
337. Aqua - Doctor Jones (3:23)
338. Artisti Vari - Alanis Morissette - Uninvited (4:36)
339. Artisti Vari - Eric Clapton - Further On Up The Road (7:29)
340. Artisti Vari - Jimi Hendrix - Red House (3:50)
341. Artisti Vari - Peter Gabriel - I Grieve (8:10)
342. Artisti Vari - U2 - If God Will Send His Angels (4:33)
343. Bad Boys Blue - Techno Mix (3:27)
344. Beach boys - Aruba, Bahamas, Jamaica osv. (2:48)
345. Beach Boys - Barbara Ann (2:08)
346. Beach Boys - California Dreamin (2:39)
347. Beach Boys - California Girls (2:35)
348. Beach Boys - Fun, Fun, Fun (2:03)
349. Beach Boys - Good Vibrations (3:37)
350. Beach Boys - Kokomo (3:38)
351. Beach Boys - Surfin USA (2:28)
352. Beach Boys - Surfin' USA (2:28)
353. Beach Boys - Wouldn't It Be Nice (2:29)
354. Beastie Boys - Brass Monkey (remix) (4:53)
355. Beatles - Michelle (2:41)
356. Beck - Cold Brains (3:41)
357. Beck - Dead Melodies (2:35)
358. Beck - Diamond Bollocks (6:03)
359. Beck - Diamond Bollocks (6:03)
360. Beck - Lazy Flies (3:43)
361. Beck - O Maria (4:00)
362. Beck - Runners Dial Zero (4:02)
363. Beck - Tropicalia (3:20)
364. Beck - Tropicalia (3:20)
365. Beck - We Live Again (3:04)
366. Beck - We Live Again (3:04)
367. beethoven - fur elise (trance remix) (3:28)
368. Benny Benassi - Satisfaction (Radio Edit) (3:11)
369. Bjork - Army Of Me (3:54)
370. Bjork - Enjoy (3:57)
371. Bjork - Hyper-ballad (5:21)
372. Bjork - I Miss You (4:03)
373. Bjork - Isobel (5:47)
374. Bjork - It's Oh So Quiet (3:38)
375. Bjork - Possibly Maybe (5:06)
376. Bjork - The Modern Things (4:10)
377. Bjork - You've Been Flirting Again (2:29)
378. BLADE RUNNER - soundtracks - blade runner - Vangelis (7:32)
379. Blues Brothers - I Can't Turn You Loose (1:30)
380. Blues Brothers - Soul Man (3:04)
381. Bob Marley & The Wailers - Could You Be Loved (3:56)
382. Bob Marley & The Wailers - Redemption Song (3:47)
383. Bob Marley - Get Up, Stand Up(421 Mix) (3:16)
384. Bob Marley - Is This Love (3:51)
385. Bob Marley - Jammin (3:18)
386. Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry (4:04)
387. Bob Marley - One Love (2:51)
388. Bob Marley - Stir It Up (5:31)
389. Bob Marley Feat Lauryn Hill - Turn Your Lights Down Low (5:45)
390. Bob Marley Rmx - Rastaman Chant (4:18)
391. Bob Sinclar - Disco 2000 Selector (5:24)
392. Bob Sinclar - Get Into The Music (5:19)
393. Bob Sinclar - Gym Tonic (6:12)
394. Bob Sinclar - Intro (0:26)
395. Bob Sinclar - Mo Underground People (6:09)
396. Bob Sinclar - Move Your Body (4:09)
397. Bob Sinclar - My Only Love (4:34)
398. Bob Sinclar - New York City Music (6:20)
399. Bob Sinclar - Paradise Interlude (0:40)
400. Bob Sinclar - Souvenir (2:24)
401. Bob Sinclar - The Ghetto (6:33)
402. Bob Sinclar - Ultimate Funk (5:33)
403. Bob Sinclar - Vision Of Paradise (6:26)
404. Body Count - A Statistic (0:06)
405. Body Count - Body Count (5:17)
406. Body Count - Body M/F Count (2:14)
407. Body Count - Smoked Pork (0:47)
408. Bon Jovi - 99 In The Shade (4:29)
409. Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine (5:16)
410. Bon Jovi - Blame It On The Love Of Rock & Roll (4:24)
411. Bon Jovi - Blood On Blood (6:16)
412. Bon Jovi - Born To Be My Baby (4:40)
413. Bon Jovi - Dry County (9:51)
414. Bon Jovi - Fear (3:06)
415. Bon Jovi - Homebound Train (5:10)
416. Bon Jovi - I Believe (5:48)
417. Bon Jovi - I Want You (5:36)
418. Bon Jovi - I'd Die For You (4:30)
419. Bon Jovi - I'll Be There For You (5:46)
420. Bon Jovi - I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (4:43)
421. Bon Jovi - If I Was Your Mother (4:27)
422. Bon Jovi - In These Arms (5:19)
423. Bon Jovi - Keep The Faith (5:46)
424. Bon Jovi - Lay Your Hands On Me (5:59)
425. Bon Jovi - Little Bit Of Soul (5:45)
426. Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer (4:09)
427. Bon Jovi - Living In Sin (4:39)
428. Bon Jovi - Raise Your Hands (4:16)
429. Bon Jovi - Ride Cowboy Ride (1:24)
430. Bon Jovi - Save A Prayer (5:57)
431. Bon Jovi - Stick To Your Guns (4:45)
432. Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead Or Alive (5:08)
433. Bon Jovi - Wild Is The Wind (5:08)
434. Bon Jovi - Woman In Love (3:48)
435. Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name (3:42)
436. Brothers In Arms - So Far Away (5:07)
437. Brothers In Arms - Sultans of Swing (5:53)
438. Brothers In Arms - Walk Of Life (4:08)
439. Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA (4:41)
440. Bryan Adams - Run to You (3:53)
441. Bryan Adams - Somebody (4:43)
442. Carl Cox - Live at G-Spot (67:29)
443. Carl Cox - Lsd (2:31)
444. Carl Cox - Techno (35:37)
445. Carl Cox - The Funk (Rhythm Masters mix) (6:33)
446. Carl Cox - Tribal Jedi (1:18)
447. Cassius - Cassius 99 Remix (radio edit) (3:41)
448. Cassius - Chase (1:58)
449. Cassius - Club Soixante Quinze (5:21)
450. Cassius - Crazy Legs (4:06)
451. Cassius - Feeling For You (4:37)
452. Cassius - Foxxy (6:07)
453. Cassius - Hey Babe (4:24)
454. Cassius - Interlude (1:23)
455. Cassius - Invisible (1:09)
456. Cassius - La Mouche (4:40)
457. Cassius - Mister Eveready (6:06)
458. Cassius - Nulife (6:31)
459. Cassius - Planetz (2:46)
460. Cassius - Somebody (4:55)
461. Cassius - Supa Crush (4:43)
462. Charlelie Couture - Comme un avion sans aile (3:47)
463. Cheb Khaled - Aicha (4:23)
464. Chemical Brothers - Alive Alone (5:16)
465. Chemical Brothers - asleep from day (4:47)
466. Chemical Brothers - Block Rockin' Beats (5:13)
467. Chemical Brothers - Block Rockin' Beats (5:13)
468. Chemical Brothers - Brother's Gonna Work It Out / (10:52)
469. Chemical Brothers - Chemical Beats (4:50)
470. Chemical Brothers - Chico's Groove (4:48)
471. Chemical Brothers - Dig Your Own Hole (5:27)
472. Chemical Brothers - Dig Your Own Hole (5:27)
473. Chemical Brothers - Don't Stop The Rock (4:49)
474. Chemical Brothers - Don't Stop The Rock (4:49)
475. Chemical Brothers - dream on (6:46)
476. Chemical Brothers - Elektrobank (8:18)
477. Chemical Brothers - Elektrobank (8:18)
478. Chemical Brothers - Fuck Up Beats (1:25)
479. Chemical Brothers - Get Up On It Like This (2:46)
480. Chemical Brothers - Get Up On It Like This (2:46)
481. Chemical Brothers - got glint? (5:26)
482. Chemical Brothers - hey boy hey girl (4:50)
483. Chemical Brothers - In Dust We Trust (5:17)
484. Chemical Brothers - It Doesn't Matter (6:14)
485. Chemical Brothers - It Doesn't matter (6:14)
486. Chemical Brothers - Leave Home (5:32)
487. Chemical Brothers - let forever be (3:56)
488. Chemical Brothers - Life Is Sweet (6:33)
489. Chemical Brothers - Lost In The K-Hole (3:52)
490. Chemical Brothers - Makin' A Living / Hot Wheels ( (9:13)
491. Chemical Brothers - Morning Lemon / Mars Needs Wom (14:51)
492. Chemical Brothers - music:response (5:20)
493. Chemical Brothers - One Too Many Mornings (4:13)
494. Chemical Brothers - orange wedge (3:06)
495. Chemical Brothers - out of control (7:19)
496. Chemical Brothers - Piku (4:55)
497. Chemical Brothers - Piku (4:55)
498. Chemical Brothers - Playground For A Wedgeless Firm (2:31)
499. Chemical Brothers - Setting Sun (5:28)
500. Chemical Brothers - Setting Sun (5:28)
501. Chemical Brothers - Song To The Siren (3:16)
502. Chemical Brothers - surrender (4:30)
503. Chemical Brothers - The Jazz / Sidewinder (312 Vs (15:37)
504. Chemical Brothers - The Private Psychedelic Reel (9:21)
505. Chemical Brothers - The Riot / Trip Harder / Every (18:22)
506. Chemical Brothers - the sunshine underground (8:38)
507. Chemical Brothers - Three Little Birdies Down Beats (5:38)
508. Chemical Brothers - under influence (4:16)
509. Chemical Brothers - Where Do I Begin (6:56)
510. Cher - Belive (3:58)
511. Chic - Good Times (8:15)
512. Chotaire - Missouri 2 (Coma2001 Extended) (4:47)
513. Clandestino - Bongo Bong (2:38)
514. Clandestino - Clandestino (2:28)
515. Clandestino - Dia luna...dia pena (1:30)
516. Clandestino - El viento (2:26)
517. Clandestino - Je ne t'aime plus (2:02)
518. Clandestino - La despedida (3:09)
519. Clandestino - La Vie a 2 (3:00)
520. Clandestino - Lagrimas de oro (2:57)
521. Clandestino - Luna y sol (3:07)
522. Clandestino - Malegria (2:55)
523. Clandestino - Mama call (2:21)
524. Clandestino - Mentira (4:37)
525. Clandestino - Minha galera (2:21)
526. Clandestino - Por el suelo (2:21)
527. Clandestino - Welcome to Tijuana (4:04)
528. Coldplay - Clocks (5:32)
529. Coldplay - God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (4:56)
530. Coldplay - See You Soon (3:29)
531. Colt Cut - Montreux Jazz Festivals (CH) (73:08)
532. Cramps - Fever (4:17)
533. Cramps - I Was A Teenage Werewolf (4:48)
534. Cramps - I Was A Teenage Werewolf (With False Start) [bonus] (3:03)
535. Cramps - I'm Cramped (2:37)
536. Cramps - Strychnine (2:25)
537. Daft Punk - Alive 1997 (Concert) (45:32)
538. dance - reggae 2003 (3:19)
539. Depeche Mode - A Question Of Lust-14.4.1986 (4:28)
540. Depeche Mode - A Question Of Time-11.08.1986 (3:58)
541. Depeche Mode - Barrel Of A Gun (5:35)
542. Depeche Mode - Barrel Of A Gun (5:27)
543. Depeche Mode - Behind The Wheel-28.12.1987 (4:00)
544. Depeche Mode - Condemnation (3:23)
545. Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence-5.2.1990 (4:15)
546. Depeche Mode - Everything Counts (Live) (6:38)
547. Depeche Mode - Freestate (6:34)
548. Depeche Mode - Home (5:42)
549. Depeche Mode - Home (5:46)
550. Depeche Mode - I Feel You (Live In Cologne 1998) (4:35)
551. Depeche Mode - In Your Room (4:50)
552. Depeche Mode - Insight (6:44)
553. Depeche Mode - Insight (2) (2:11)
554. Depeche Mode - It's No Good (5:58)
555. Depeche Mode - It's No Good (5:59)
556. Depeche Mode - Jazz Thieves (2:54)
557. Depeche Mode - Little (4:11)
558. Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again-24.8.1987 (4:20)
559. Depeche Mode - Only When I Lose Myself (4:38)
560. Depeche Mode - Personal Jesus-29.8.1989 (3:46)
561. Depeche Mode - Policy Of Truth- 7.5.1990 (5:12)
562. Depeche Mode - Sister Of Night (6:04)
563. Depeche Mode - Strangelove-13.4.1987 (3:45)
564. Depeche Mode - Stripped-10.2.1986 (3:51)
565. Depeche Mode - The Bottom Line (4:26)
566. Depeche Mode - The Love Thieves (6:26)
567. Depeche Mode - Useless (5:12)
568. Depeche Mode - Useless (4:51)
569. Depeche Mode - Uselink (2:21)
570. Depeche Mode - Walking In My Shoes (5:00)
571. Depeche Mode - World In My Eyes-17.9.1990 (3:57)
572. Dj Doboy - Isle Of Ibeatza Volume 02 (74:44)
573. DJ Mind-X - Ancly Jay Pwell> Rainbow Sailor (5:43)
574. DJ Mind-X - Baltes vs. Stevens> Eternal Silence (Original Mix) (4:18)
575. DJ Mind-X - D.M.E.> The Moon Fell Down To Earth (4:05)
576. DJ Mind-X - Dee Mark> Super Nova (4:33)
577. DJ Mind-X - Dito> Shadows (Original Mix) (4:50)
578. DJ Mind-X - DJ Marc La Cruz> The Future Prison (Trailer) (2:12)
579. DJ Mind-X - DJ Mind-X> Voyage (4:26)
580. DJ Mind-X - DJ Pure> My Definition (Conticrash Mix) (3:45)
581. DJ Mind-X - DJ Scott Project> O Overdrive (6:55)
582. DJ Mind-X - DJ Simple> Y2K+1 (5:05)
583. DJ Mind-X - DJ Tiësto> Flight 643 (5:07)
584. DJ Mind-X - Max B. Grant> Vida Nueva (3:58)
585. DJ Mind-X - Ridler & Headcrusher> H-Giobin (3:05)
586. DJ Mind-X - Sam Pling presents Mike Dragon> Infinity 2001 (5:22)
587. DJ Mind-X - The Moon> Sushi (Paul Hutsch Remix) (1:56)
588. DJ Mind-X - Universal Dream> House of Music (2:39)
589. DJ Mind-X - Vanessa Mae> White Bird (Cosmic Gate Remix) (6:07)
590. DJ Mind-X - Wavescope> Emotion (Club Mix) (3:19)
591. DJ Mystic - I See Stars (1:51)
592. DJ Snowman - Alex G F Fame / Freedom (3:39)
593. DJ Snowman - Central Park / New York City (2:29)
594. DJ Snowman - Cioned Mind / Welcome To My World (4:33)
595. DJ Snowman - Cioned Mind / Where Is The Sun (2:53)
596. DJ Snowman - D.N.S. II / See The Music (4:53)
597. DJ Snowman - DJ Arne L II Vs Tenison / Seven Of Mine (4:10)
598. DJ Snowman - DJ Energy / Dancing City (5:39)
599. DJ Snowman - DJ Helios / Orbit Up (3:01)
600. DJ Snowman - DJ Jam N / Sexomatic (3:42)
601. DJ Snowman - DJ Mind-X / Colours (7:17)
602. DJ Snowman - DJ Nois / Lethal Injection (5:35)
603. DJ Snowman - DJ Tatana Feat Golden Guy / Dream Off (3:41)
604. DJ Snowman - Hennes & Cold / The Second Trip (6:43)
605. DJ Snowman - Phrenetic Vs Tension / Ocean Of Love (5:18)
606. DJ Snowman - Red Wing / Dream World (5:51)
607. DJ Snowman - Universal Dream / Free (2:02)
608. DJ Snowman - Universal Dream / Free (3:16)
609. DJ Snowman - Wizards Of Sonic / Sunrise (3:57)
610. Dj Stigma - Akira - Superstring (4:44)
611. Dj Stigma - Arrakis - The Spice (Original Mix) (3:44)
612. Dj Stigma - Doug Laurent - I'm Rushing (Hypnotic Extended) (5:53)
613. Dj Stigma - Hammock Brothers - Windsong (3:37)
614. Dj Stigma - Hidden Sound System - Freeze (3:37)
615. Dj Stigma - Kai Tracid - Liquid Skies (Eternia Audio Lab Mix) (5:26)
616. Dj Stigma - Kamaya Painters - Outstream (4:45)
617. Dj Stigma - Kay Cee - Love Stimulation (Trance Club Mix) (4:08)
618. Dj Stigma - Marino Stephano - Vision Control (Original Mix) (3:23)
619. Dj Stigma - Mindwalkers - The Future (3:47)
620. Dj Stigma - Ron Hagen & Pascal M - Forever (5:53)
621. Dj Stigma - San - Stroke (7:28)
622. Dj Stigma - Silent Harmony - Save The Wales (Club Mix) (5:43)
623. Dj Stigma - Sky Distortion - No Good (Chant Mix) (2:46)
624. Dj Stigma - Straydog - Mirror (4:45)
625. Dj Stigma - Vincent De Moor - Shamu (3:10)
626. Dmz Alphab (3:23)
627. Dream Team (ROC) - We are the Champions (5:54)
628. DreamGate Studios - Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) part 8 of 11 (3:56)
629. DreamGate Studios - The Darkshire Trilogy Part II Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) - 01 - Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) part 1 of 11.mp3
630. DreamGate Studios - The Darkshire Trilogy Part II Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) - 02 - Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) part 2 of 11.mp3
631. DreamGate Studios - The Darkshire Trilogy Part II Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) - 03 - Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) part 3 of 11.mp3
632. DreamGate Studios - The Darkshire Trilogy Part II Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) - 04 - Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) part 4 of 11.mp3
633. DreamGate Studios - The Darkshire Trilogy Part II Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) - 05 - Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) part 5 of 11.mp3
634. DreamGate Studios - The Darkshire Trilogy Part II Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) - 07 - Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) part 7 of 11.mp3
635. DreamGate Studios - The Darkshire Trilogy Part II Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) - 09 - Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) part 9 of 11.mp3
636. DreamGate Studios - The Darkshire Trilogy Part II Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) - 10 - Dolor & Bloodhood (Disc 2) part 10 of 11.mp3
637. Dub Pistols - Anarchy (6:39)
638. Dub Pistols - Best Got Better (3:27)
639. Dub Pistols - Blaze The Room [Horn Mix] (5:57)
640. Dub Pistols - Cyclone (3:32)
641. Dub Pistols - Ghetto (5:43)
642. Dub Pistols - Keep Movin' (3:43)
643. Dub Pistols - Point Blank (5:34)
644. Dub Pistols - There's Gonna Be A Riot (6:34)
645. Dub Pistols - Towerblock Trash (5:02)
646. Dub Pistols - Unique Freak (4:43)
647. Dub Pistols - Westway (7:12)
648. Emilia - Big Big World (3:23)
649. Enigma - 'matrix Theme' (techno Remix) (6:03)
650. Ennio Morricone - My Name Is Nobody (3:12)
651. Eric Clapton - Cocaine (3:43)
652. Eric Clapton - Knockin On Heaven's Door (5:32)
653. Extreme - Rest in Peace (6:01)
654. Faith No More - Cuckoo For Caca (3:43)
655. Faith No More - Digging The Grave (3:05)
656. Faith No More - Get Out (2:17)
657. Faith No More - King For A Day (6:35)
658. Faith No More - Star A.D. (3:23)
659. Faith No More - The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies (3:29)
660. Faith No More - The Last To Know (4:27)
661. Faith No More - Ugly In The Morning (3:06)
662. Faith No More - What A Day (2:38)
663. Faithless - Drifting Away (4:09)
664. Faithless - Drifting Away (Paradiso Mix) (6:46)
665. Faithless - Insomnia (8:39)
666. Faithless - Insomnia (Moody Mix) (10:40)
667. Faithless - Reverence (7:43)
668. Faithless - Salva Mea (10:47)
669. Fatboy Slim - Acid 8000 (7:28)
670. Fatboy Slim - Build It Up, Tear It Down (5:05)
671. Fatboy Slim - Gangster Tripping (5:20)
672. Fatboy Slim - In Heaven (3:54)
673. Fatboy Slim - Kalifornia (5:53)
674. Fatboy Slim - Love Island (5:18)
675. Fatboy Slim - Praise You (5:23)
676. Fatboy Slim - Right Here Right Now (6:28)
677. Fatboy Slim - Soul Surfing (4:56)
678. Fatboy Slim - The Rockafeller Skank (6:53)
679. Fatboy Slim - You're Not From Brighton (5:20)
680. Fired Up! (8:08)
681. Fired Up! (8:08)
682. Firstdevil (3:35)
683. Forgotten Temple - Inconceivable (3:21)
684. Forrest Gump - Sloop John B (2:55)
685. france gall - il jouait du piano debout (4:23)
686. Francis Cabrel - Petite Marie (3:29)
687. François Etienne - DJ Eight (39:25)
688. French Affair - My heart goes boom (3:37)
689. Fugees - Killing Me Softly (5:00)
690. Fugees - Ready Or Not (3:47)
691. Garbage - A Stroke of Luck (4:45)
692. Garbage - As Heaven is Wide (4:44)
693. Garbage - Dumb (3:50)
694. Garbage - Fix me Now (4:43)
695. Garbage - Hammering in My Head (4:52)
696. Garbage - I Think I'm Paranoid (3:38)
697. Garbage - Milk (3:55)
698. Garbage - Not my Idea (3:49)
699. Garbage - Only Happy When it Rains (3:56)
700. Garbage - Push It (4:02)
701. Garbage - Queer (4:36)
702. Garbage - Sleep Together (4:03)
703. Garbage - Special (3:43)
704. Garbage - Stupid Girl (4:18)
705. Garbage - Supervixen (3:56)
706. Garbage - Temptation Waits (4:36)
707. Garbage - The Trick Is To Keep Breathing (4:11)
708. Garbage - Vow (4:30)
709. Garbage - When I Grow Up (3:24)
710. Garbage - You Look So Fine (5:24)
711. Genesis - Follow You Follow Me (4:00)
712. Genesis - Land Of Confusion (4:43)
713. Genesis - Selling England By The Pound (1) (1:35)
714. Georges Brassens - L'auvergnat. (3:03)
715. Globalfazes (4:28)
716. Goran Bregovic - 7/8 & 11/8 (4:50)
717. Goran Bregovic - Death (5:10)
718. Goran Bregovic - Dreams (3:31)
719. Goran Bregovic - Goran Bregovic/Iggy Pop / Get the money (4:51)
720. Goran Bregovic - Goran Bregovic/Iggy pop / In the deathcar (5:11)
721. Goran Bregovic - Goran Bregovic/Iggy Pop / This is a film (4:14)
722. Goran Bregovic - Goran Bregovic/Iggy Pop / TV screen (5:16)
723. Goran Bregovic - Gunpowder (4:44)
724. Goran Bregovic - Gypsy reggae (3:02)
725. Goran Bregovic - Old home movie (5:02)
726. Gorillaz - 19-2000(Soul Child Remix) -21s (3:30)
727. Gorillaz - 19-2000(The Wiseguys House of) (7:15)
728. Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood(Phi Life Cypher (4:54)
729. Green Day - Basket Case (3:03)
730. Green Day - Welcome to Paradise (3:44)
731. Green Day - When I Come Around (2:58)
732. Greenday - When I Come Around (2:56)
733. Guns'n Roses - Don't Cry (4:43)
734. GunsNRoses&Aerosmith - Guns'roses - Paradise city (6:36)
735. Human Bomb - Commonplace style (3:56)
736. Human Bomb - Crashed sounds (3:47)
737. Human Bomb - Piece of musik (4:06)
738. Human Bomb - The 5th dimension (3:27)
739. I AM - La 25ème Image (remix) (5:30)
740. I Love You (6:06)
741. I Love You (6:06)
742. Iam - Dangereu (4:28)
743. IAM - Dangereux (3:45)
744. IAM - Elle Donne Son Corps Avant Son Nom (4:11)
745. IAM - L'Empire Du Côté Obscur (4:21)
746. IAM - La Saga (4:02)
747. Indochine - Bob Morane (3:51)
748. Instrumental - II Air (3:21)
749. INXS - Baby Don't Cry (4:30)
750. INXS - Beautiful Girl (3:28)
751. INXS - Bitter Tears (3:48)
752. INXS - Disappear (4:07)
753. INXS - Mystify (3:17)
754. INXS - Need You Tonight (3:02)
755. INXS - Never Tear Us Apart (3:02)
756. INXS - New Sensation (3:40)
757. INXS - Original Sin (3:47)
758. INXS - Suicide Blonde (3:49)
759. INXS - Taste It (3:21)
760. INXS - The Strangest Party (These Are The Times) (3:52)
761. Iron Maiden - Be Quick Or Be Dead (3:23)
762. Iron Maiden - Be Quick Or Be Dead (3:16)
763. Iron Maiden - Brave New World (6:18)
764. Iron Maiden - Brave New World (6:18)
765. Iron Maiden - Can I Play With Madness (4:42)
766. Iron Maiden - Ghost of the Navigator (6:50)
767. Iron Maiden - Ghost Of The Navigator (6:50)
768. Iron Maiden - Hallowed Be Thy Name (7:12)
769. Iron Maiden - Man On The Edge (4:13)
770. Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills (3:54)
771. Iron Maiden - The Evil That Men Do (4:34)
772. Iron Maiden - The Fallen Angel (4:00)
773. Iron Maiden - The Fallen Angel (4:00)
774. Iron Maiden - The Wicker Man (4:35)
775. Iron Maiden - Wasting Love (5:47)
776. J-Lo - Jenny From The Block (Rap Remix) (3:10)
777. jacques brel - ne me quitte pas (4:10)
778. James Brown - Get Up I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine (5:18)
779. James Brown - Get Up I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine (10:33)
780. James Brown - I Feel Good (2:46)
781. James Brown - I'm a Soul Man (2:38)
782. James Brown - Sex Machine (5:15)
783. Jamiroquai - Space Cowboy (6:25)
784. Jamiroquai - Supersonic (5:16)
785. Jamiroqui - Cosmic Girl (4:04)
787. Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe (3:25)
788. Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze (3:04)
789. Jimmy Hendrix - Cocaine (3:05)
790. Joe Cocker - Unchain My Heart (5:07)
791. Joe Cocker - Unchain My Heart (5:57)
792. Joe Cocker - With A Little Help From My Friends (9:27)
793. K's Choice - Not An Addict (3:05)
794. Kenji Kawai - Making of Cyborg (4:25)
795. KiLLeR DWaRfS - Desperados (4:24)
796. Konik - Track 2 (47:50)
797. KoRn - Good God(Rammstein remix) (3:32)
798. Krii - Hau (3:58)
799. Lady - Modjo (5:04)
800. Launch Sequence (5:07)
801. Launch Sequence (5:07)
802. Lauren Hill - Killing Me Softly (4:59)
803. Lauryn Hill - Oh Happy Day feat. Sister Act Cast (4:00)
804. Lauryn Hill - I sing because I'm Happy (3:00)
805. lauryn hill - live in Jamaica) (4:32)
806. Lauryn Hill - Oh Jerusalem 'Live' (8:30)
807. Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away (3:40)
808. Les Enfants Du Rock - Sade - Smooth Operator (4:17)
809. Les Enfants Du Rock - Serge Gainsbourg - Love On The (8:05)
810. Les Enfoires 2003 - 19 - La chanson des restos (2:38)
811. Les Negresses Vertes - Ivresse (4:12)
812. LIEB Thierry alias TITI - Technopolis (3:36)
813. LimpBizkits (4:49)
814. Lou Bega - Mambo No.5 (3:42)
815. Louise Attaque - 02 - Tu Dis Rien - Louise Attaque (2:22)
816. Louise Attaque - 04 - D'amour En Amour - Louise Attaque (1:20)
817. Louise Attaque - 06 - L Intranquillite - Louise Attaque (3:47)
818. Louise Attaque - 10 - La Plume - Louise Attaque (3:56)
819. Louise Attaque - Amours (1:57)
820. Louise Attaque - Fatigante (2:51)
821. Louise Attaque - J't'emmène au vent (3:04)
822. Louise Attaque - La brune (1:55)
823. Louise Attaque - Les nuits parisiennes (2:31)
824. Louise Attaque - Léa (3:17)
825. Louise Attaque - Savoir (1:46)
826. Louise Attaque - Tes yeux se moquent (3:09)
827. Louise Attaque - Ton invitation (2:39)
828. Louise Attaque - Toute cette histoire (5:26)
829. Louise Attaque - Vous avez l'heure (2:25)
830. Luduvic Navarre - La Goutte Dor (6:17)
831. Luduvic Navarre - Land Of... (7:50)
832. Luduvic Navarre - Latin Note (5:57)
833. Luduvic Navarre - Montego Bay Spleen (5:42)
834. Luduvic Navarre - Pont Des Arts (7:26)
835. Luduvic Navarre - Rose Rouge (7:02)
836. Luduvic Navarre - So Flute (8:29)
837. Luduvic Navarre - Sure Thing (6:22)
838. Luduvic Navarre - What You Think About... (4:47)
839. Lynryd Skynyrd - Simple Man (Original Version) (5:53)
840. Lynryd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama (4:44)
841. Madonna - Cry baby (4:06)
842. Madonna - Die Another Day (3:56)
843. Madonna - Frozen (3:30)
844. Madonna - Holiday (Dub Version) (6:56)
845. Madonna - Into The Groove (Dub Version) (8:06)
846. Madonna - La Isla Bonita (Extended Remix) (5:25)
847. Madonna - Live to tell (5:52)
848. Madonna - Open Your Heart (4:13)
849. Madonna - Papa Don`t Preach (4:29)
850. Madonna - Spotlight (6:24)
851. Madonna - The Power Of Goodbye (4:11)
852. Madonna - True Blue (4:18)
853. Madonna - True Blue (The Color Mix) (6:39)
854. Madonna - Vogue (4:49)
855. Madonna - Where's The Party (Dub Version) (6:20)
856. Madonna - White Heat (4:40)
857. MANAU - Faut pas Tiser en Bretagne (3:54)
858. MANAU - L'avenir est un long passe (4:39)
859. MANAU - La Confession (4:03)
860. MANAU - La Tribu de Dana (4:47)
861. MANAU - Le Chant des Druides (4:15)
862. MANAU - Le Chien du Forgeron (4:22)
863. Manau - Mais qui est la Belette ? (Remix) (4:04)
864. MANAU - Panique Celtique (3:34)
865. Marillion - Kayleigh (Single Version) (3:33)
866. Massive Attack - Angel (6:18)
867. Maurizio - domina [maurizio mix] edit (11:22)
868. Maurizio - m4 [red logo side] edit (6:39)
869. Maurizio - m4 [white logo side] edit (6:09)
870. Maurizio - m4.5 edit (9:43)
871. Maurizio - m5 edit (7:30)
872. Maurizio - m6 [a] edit (6:40)
873. Maurizio - m6 edit (6:43)
874. Maurizio - m7 edit (8:16)
875. Maurizio - m7 unreleased mix (8:25)
876. Mauro Picotto - Awesome!!! (7:18)
877. Mauro Picotto - Bangkok (6:15)
878. Mauro Picotto - Charm (6:04)
879. Mauro Picotto - Cyberfood (5:30)
880. Mauro Picotto - Freetown (7:07)
881. Mauro Picotto - Hong Kong (7:45)
882. Mauro Picotto - Kebab (5:59)
883. Mauro Picotto - Luna (1:31)
884. Mauro Picotto - Prendi & Scappa (6:44)
885. Mauro Picotto - Verdi (7:25)
886. Mauro Picotto - Verdi (Megamind Mix) (5:54)
887. Mauro Picotto - Wake Up (6:00)
888. Mayday - 10 IN 01 (3:26)
889. Mayday - Beroshima / Electronic Discussion (rok remix) (5:39)
890. Mayday - Blank & Jones / Electric Circus (6:36)
891. Mayday - Denki Groove / Flashback Disco (kagami remix) (3:28)
892. Mayday - DJ Hell / My Definition Of House Music (5:34)
893. Mayday - Dj I.C.O.N. & Toxic Twin vs. Harold Faltermeyer / Axel F. (Miami Burns) (3:30)
894. Mayday - Dj Mo vs. Marc de Clarq / Shake the Bells (Groovy) (5:55)
895. Mayday - Ellen Allien / Data Romance (5:27)
896. Mayday - Hardy Hard / Say Nothing (5:36)
897. Mayday - Jam & Spoon / My First Fantastic F.F. (5:06)
898. Mayday - Jeans Team / Keine Melodien (mj lan mix radio edit) (2:49)
899. Mayday - Jeff Mills / Changes Of Life (4:48)
900. Mayday - Klangkontakt / Der Vollton (original) (5:57)
901. Mayday - Lexy & K-Paul / You're The One (3:02)
902. Mayday - Mauro Picotto / Baguette (5:07)
903. Mayday - Moguai pres. Punx / The Rock (5:19)
904. Mayday - Mr.X & Mr.Y / Global Players (My Name is Techno) (3:21)
905. Mayday - Paul und Paula / You, You and Me (techno club mix) (5:24)
906. Mayday - Paul van Dyk / Out There and Back (7:57)
907. Mayday - Random Noise Generation / Falling In Dub (3:19)
908. Mayday - Sven Väth / Ein Waggon Voller Geschichten (terence fixmer remix) (7:03)
909. Mayday - Telematiker / We Don't Need No Sleep (5:58)
910. Mayday - Terence Fixmer / Body Pressure (5:15)
911. Mayday - Timo Maas / Riding on a Storm (5:32)
912. Mayday - Toktok vs. Soffy O. / Missy Queen is Gonna Die (4:09)
913. Mayday - Ural 13 Diktators / Still Alive (hardy hard remix) (6:20)
914. Mayday - WestBam / Activist Black Pump (4:55)
915. Metallica - Ain't My Bitch (5:04)
916. Metallica - Don't Tread On Me (4:00)
917. Metallica - Enter Sandman (5:31)
918. Metallica - Holier Than Thou (3:47)
919. Metallica - King Nothing (5:29)
920. Metallica - My Friend Of Misery (6:49)
921. Metallica - Nothing Else Matters (6:28)
922. Metallica - Of Wolf And Man (4:16)
923. Metallica - Sad But True (5:24)
924. Metallica - The God That Failed (5:08)
925. Metallica - The Struggle Within (3:53)
926. Metallica - The Unforgiven (6:27)
927. Metallica - Thorn Within (5:51)
928. Metallica - Through The Never (4:04)
929. Metallica - Until It Sleeps (4:27)
930. Metallica - Wherever I May Roam (6:44)
931. Michel Jonasz - Super nana (7:26)
932. Mike Oldfield - Etude (3:07)
933. Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow (3:36)
934. Mike Oldfield - To France (4:43)
935. Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells (Opening Theme) (4:18)
936. Miranda Sex Garden - Ardera Sempre (4:51)
937. Miranda Sex Garden - Bring Down The Sky (7:36)
938. Miranda Sex Garden - Distance (3:31)
939. Miranda Sex Garden - Feed (5:56)
940. Miranda Sex Garden - In Heaven (4:05)
941. Miranda Sex Garden - Inferno (7:52)
942. Miranda Sex Garden - My Funny Valentine (5:27)
943. Miranda Sex Garden - Open Eyes (6:31)
944. Miranda Sex Garden - Play (4:19)
945. Miranda Sex Garden - Sunshine (5:28)
946. Miranda Sex Garden - Willie Biddle And His Waltzing Maggot (3:54)
947. Mission Imposible (3:25)
948. Moby - Gurten Festival (CH) (71:33)
949. Mr Big - To Be With You (3:28)
950. Mylene Farmer - California (4:59)
951. Mylene Farmer - L'instant X (4:45)
952. Natacha Atlas & J.M Jarre - C'est la vie (7:11)
953. New Songs - Techno Dance Club Mega Mixes (2:37)
954. Nicki French - Total Eclipse Of The Heart (3:41)
955. night watch - calculations (5:24)
956. NIRVANA - Breed (3:03)
957. NIRVANA - Come As You Are (3:39)
958. NIRVANA - Drain You (3:43)
959. NIRVANA - In Bloom (4:14)
960. NIRVANA - Lithium (4:17)
961. NIRVANA - Lounge Act (2:36)
962. NIRVANA - On A Plain (3:16)
963. NIRVANA - Polly (2:57)
964. NIRVANA - Smells Like Teen Spirit (5:01)
965. NIRVANA - Stay Away (3:32)
966. NIRVANA - Territorial Pissings (2:23)
1099. No Doubt - Don't Speak (4:23)
1100. No Doubt - Happy Now? (3:43)
1101. No Doubt - Just A Girl (3:29)
1102. Noir Desir - Alice (3:55)
1103. Noir Desir - It spurts (3:53)
1104. Noir Desir - Johnny colere (2:17)
1105. Noir Desir - Lolita nie en bloc (3:29)
1106. Noir Desir - One trip one noise (4:12)
1107. Noir Desir - Tostaky (le continent) (5:30)
1108. Nowhere To Run (4:51)
1109. Nowhere To Run (4:51)
1110. Ntm - Laisse Pas Trainer Ton Fils (4:00)
1111. Obs (5:58)
1112. Offspring - All I Want (1:54)
1113. Offspring - Bad Habits (3:43)
1114. Offspring - Pretty Fly For A White Guy (3:01)
1115. Offspring - Session (2:31)
1116. Offspring - So Alone (1:17)
1117. Offspring - Unknown (2:01)
1118. Offspring - Unknown 2 (3:17)
1119. Peter Gabriel U2 Sting L (7:24)
1120. Peter Gabriel - Come Talk To Me (6:13)
1121. Peter Gabriel - Digging In The Dirt (7:36)
1122. Peter Gabriel - Don't Give Up (7:36)
1123. Peter Gabriel - Kiss That Frog (5:56)
1124. Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer (4:59)
1125. Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill (4:45)
1126. Peter Gabriel - Steam (7:42)
1127. PJ Harvey - A Perfect Day Elise (3:04)
1128. PJ Harvey - A Perfect Day Elise (3:04)
1129. PJ Harvey - Angelene (3:25)
1130. PJ Harvey - Angelene (3:34)
1131. PJ Harvey - Catherine (3:38)
1132. PJ Harvey - Electric Light (3:04)
1133. PJ Harvey - Electric Light (3:04)
1134. PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? (4:10)
1135. PJ Harvey - Is This Desire? (3:25)
1136. PJ Harvey - Joy (3:38)
1137. PJ Harvey - Joy (3:34)
1138. PJ Harvey - My Beautiful Leah (1:59)
1139. PJ Harvey - My Beautiful Leah (1:59)
1140. PJ Harvey - No Girl So Sweet (2:43)
1141. PJ Harvey - No Girl So Sweet (2:43)
1142. PJ Harvey - The Garden (4:10)
1143. PJ Harvey - The Garden (4:02)
1144. PJ Harvey - The River (4:49)
1145. PJ Harvey - The River (4:49)
1146. PJ Harvey - The Sky Lit Up (1:52)
1147. PJ Harvey - The Sky Lit Up (1:52)
1148. PJ Harvey - The Wind (4:01)
1149. PJ Harvey - The Wind (4:01)
1150. Placebo - Every Me Every You (3:35)
1151. Placebo - Pure Morning (3:54)
1152. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Back Porch (2:59)
1153. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Body (4:11)
1154. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Boll Weevil (3:16)
1155. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Candy (3:16)
1156. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Dune Buggy (2:44)
1157. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Feather Pluckn (2:57)
1158. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Kick Out The Jams (1:26)
1159. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Kitty (3:22)
1160. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Lump (2:14)
1161. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Naked And Famous (3:43)
1162. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Peaches (2:51)
1163. Presidents Of The United States Of America - Stranger (3:04)
1164. Presidents Of The United States Of America - We Are Not Going To Make It (1:51)
1165. Prodigy - Breathe (4:17)
1166. Prodigy - Breathe (5:34)
1167. Prodigy - Climbatize (6:37)
1168. Prodigy - Climbatize (6:37)
1169. Prodigy - Diesel Power (9:05)
1170. Prodigy - Diesel Power (4:17)
1171. Prodigy - Firestarter (4:40)
1172. Prodigy - Firestarter (5:11)
1173. Prodigy - Fuel My Fire (5:34)
1174. Prodigy - Fuel My Fire (4:18)
1175. Prodigy - Funky Shit (5:39)
1176. Prodigy - Funky Shit (5:16)
1177. Prodigy - Mindfields (4:18)
1178. Prodigy - Mindfields (5:39)
1179. Prodigy - Narayan (4:40)
1180. Prodigy - Narayan (9:05)
1181. Prodigy - Serial Thrilla (5:11)
1182. Prodigy - Serial Thrilla (5:16)
1183. Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (5:42)
1184. Prodigy - Smack My Bitch Up (5:42)
1185. Psyzone (7:29)
1186. Pw rc (5:09)
1187. Pw rc (5:09)
1188. Queen - I Want To Break Free (4:23)
1189. Queen - Radio Ga Ga (5:48)
1190. Queen - We Will Rock You (5:03)
1191. Queen - We Will Rock You (2:01)
1192. R.E.M. - Endgame (3:50)
1193. R.E.M. - Losing My Religion (4:28)
1194. R.E.M. - Low (4:56)
1195. R.E.M. - Near Wild Heaven (3:19)
1196. R.E.M. - Radio Song (4:16)
1197. R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People (3:46)
1198. R.E.M. - Shiny Happy People (3:42)
1199. RADIOHEAD - amnesiac/morning bell (3:14)
1200. RADIOHEAD - dollar & cents (4:51)
1201. RADIOHEAD - hunting bears (1:59)
1202. RADIOHEAD - i might be wrong (4:53)
1203. RADIOHEAD - knives out (4:14)
1204. RADIOHEAD - life in a glass house (4:34)
1205. RADIOHEAD - like spinning plates (3:57)
1206. RADIOHEAD - packt like sardines in a crushd tin box (3:57)
1207. RADIOHEAD - pulk/pull revolving doors (4:07)
1208. RADIOHEAD - pyramid song (4:48)
1209. RADIOHEAD - you and whose army (3:09)
1210. Radix - Mosaik (3:34)
1211. Rammstein - 01-Mein Herzt Brennt (4:39)
1212. Rammstein - 02-Links 2 3 4 (3:36)
1213. Rammstein - 03-Sonne (4:32)
1214. Rammstein - 04-Ich Will (3:37)
1215. Rammstein - 05-Feuer Frei! (3:11)
1216. Rammstein - 06-Mutter (4:32)
1217. Rammstein - 07-SpielHur (4:46)
1218. Rammstein - 08-Zwitter (4:17)
1219. Rammstein - 09-Rein Raus (3:10)
1220. Rammstein - 10-Adios (3:50)
1221. Rammstein - 11-Nebel (4:54)
1222. Rammstein - Asche Zu Asche (3:24)
1223. Rammstein - Bestrafe Mich (3:49)
1224. Rammstein - Bueck Dich (5:57)
1225. Rammstein - Der Meister (4:10)
1226. Rammstein - Du Hast ('99 Techno Mix) (4:27)
1227. Rammstein - Du Riechst So Gut (5:24)
1228. Rammstein - Engel (5:57)
1229. Rammstein - Heirate Mich (6:16)
1230. Rammstein - Laichzeit (5:14)
1231. Rammstein - Rammstein (5:29)
1232. Rammstein - Seemann (6:54)
1233. Rammstein - Sehnsucht (4:25)
1234. Rammstein - Spiel Mit Mir (5:22)
1235. Rammstein - Weisses Fleish (4:35)
1236. Rammstein - Wilder Wein (5:17)
1237. Rammstein - Wollt Ihr Das Bett In Flammen Sehen? (5:52)
1238. Rave Dance Techno - Eternity Remix (4:43)
1239. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under The Bridge (4:24)
1240. Red Hot Chill Peppers - Californacation (5:22)
1241. Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe (Techno Remix) (3) (4:15)
1242. REM - Losing My Religion (4:28)
1243. Robbie Williams - Millenium (3:34)
1244. Robbie Williams - Millennium (4:07)
1245. Robbie Williams - No Regrets (5:10)
1246. Rolling Stones - Paint It Black (3:48)
1247. Rolling Stones - Satisfaction (3:46)
1248. Roxette - (Do You Get) Excited? (4:16)
1249. Roxette - Church Of Your Heart (3:16)
1250. Roxette - Dressed For Success (4:09)
1251. Roxette - Fading Like A Flower (Every Time You Leave) (3:52)
1252. Roxette - Half A Woman, Half A Shadow (3:35)
1253. Roxette - Joyride (4:24)
1254. Roxette - Knockin' On Every Door (3:56)
1255. Roxette - Physical Fascination (3:27)
1256. Roxette - Physical Fascination (3:27)
1257. Roxette - Run To You (3:38)
1258. Roxette - Soul Deep (3:34)
1259. Roxette - Spending My Time (4:36)
1260. Roxette - The Big L (4:26)
1261. Roxette - The Look (3:57)
1262. Roxette - Things Will Never Be The Same (4:26)
1263. Rtrack12 (2:40)
1264. Rtrack8 (4:02)
1265. Rtrack8 (4:02)
1266. Rtrack9 (2:42)
1267. Run Dmc - Its Like That (3:49)
1268. Sash! - Colour The World (Special Appearance Of Dr. Alban) (3:40)
1269. Sash! - Intercontinental Invaders (4:53)
1270. Sash! - La Primavera (3:37)
1271. Sash! - Oliver Momm's Sash! Hit Mix (Incl. Encore Une Fois, Ecuador, Stay) (3:40)
1272. Sash! - The Trip (Feat. Inka) (3:40)
1273. Sasha Arnkoff - Touch of Reality Digital Rema (4:08)
1274. Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply (4:37)
1275. Scatman Jack - Im A Scatman (3:32)
1276. Secret Of Mana (Techno Remix) (3:09)
1277. Senser - Adrenalin (5:48)
1278. Senser - Book of Flies (5:14)
1279. Senser - Breed (4:58)
1280. Senser - Burn Out (4:27)
1281. Senser - Charming Demons (3:33)
1282. Senser - Desensitised (6:13)
1283. Senser - Lizard (6:10)
1284. Senser - Oyster (5:07)
1285. Senser - Strange Asylum (5:34)
1286. Serge Gainsbourg - Ballade de Johnny-Jane (2:56)
1287. Serge Gainsbourg - Bonnie and Clyde (5:00)
1288. Serge Gainsbourg - Harley Davidson Son of a Bitch (6:20)
1289. Serge Gainsbourg - Initials BB (3:03)
1290. Serge Gainsbourg - Je Suis Venu Te Dire Que Je M'en Vais (3:22)
1291. Serge Gainsbourg - Lemon Incest (extrait) (1:15)
1292. Serge Gainsbourg - Lola Rastaquouere (3:32)
1293. Serge Gainsbourg - Love on the Beat (10:16)
1294. Serge Gainsbourg - Mickey Maousse (1:09)
1295. Serge Gainsbourg - Vielle Canaille (2:57)
1296. Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much (3:39)
1297. Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (3:20)
1298. Soccer Anthem - Olay Olay Olay (Techno) (2:35)
1299. Sound (2:12)
1300. Soundtrack - AC/DC - Big Gun (4:24)
1301. Soundtrack - Aerosmith - Dream On (5:43)
1302. Soundtrack - Alice in Chains - A Little Bitter (3:54)
1303. Soundtrack - Alice in Chains - What The Hell Have I (3:59)
1304. Soundtrack - Anthrax - Poison My Eyes (7:05)
1305. Soundtrack - Cypress Hill - Cock The Hammer (4:12)
1306. Soundtrack - Def Leppard - Two Steps Behind (4:20)
1307. Soundtrack - Fishbone - Swim (4:14)
1308. Soundtrack - Megadeth - Angry Again (3:48)
1309. Soundtrack - Michael Kamen - Jack And The Ripper (3:46)
1310. Soundtrack - Queensryche - Real World (4:22)
1311. Soundtrack - Tesla - Last Action Hero (5:45)
1312. Soundtracks - Down In The Park (Foo Fighters) (4:04)
1313. Soundtracks - Hands of Death (Zombie & Cooper) (4:12)
1314. Soundtracks - If You Never Say Goodbye (P.M.Dawn) (4:06)
1315. Soundtracks - Man of Steel (Frank Black) (4:59)
1316. Soundtracks - My Dark Life (Costello & Eno) (6:20)
1317. Soundtracks - On The Outside (Sheryl Crow) (4:36)
1318. Soundtracks - Red Right Hand (Nick Cave) (6:11)
1319. Soundtracks - Star Me Kitten (Burroughs & R.E.M.) (3:30)
1320. Soundtracks - Unexplained (Meat Puppets) (3:44)
1321. Soundtracks - Unmarked Helicopters (Soul Coughing) (3:22)
1322. Soundtracks - X-Files Theme (Mark Snow) (3:24)
1323. Spin Doctors - Jimmy Olsen's Blues (4:38)
1324. Spin Doctors - Two Princes (4:17)
1325. Sportfreunde Stiller - jericho (3:32)
1326. Spy - Miles Davis In Amsterdam (6:40)
1327. Spy - Tictacchting (4:04)
1328. St. Germain - La goutte d'or (6:17)
1329. St. Germain - Land of... (7:50)
1330. St. Germain - Latin note (5:57)
1331. St. Germain - Montego bay spleen (5:42)
1332. St. Germain - Pont des arts (7:26)
1333. St. Germain - Rose Rouge (7:02)
1334. St. Germain - So flute (8:29)
1335. St. Germain - Sure thing (6:22)
1336. St. Germain - What you think about... (4:47)
1337. Steve Miller Band - The Joker (4:23)
1338. STING - All This Time (4:54)
1339. STING - EnglishmanIn New York (4:26)
1340. STING - Fields Of Gold (3:39)
1341. STING - Fragile (3:53)
1342. STING - Fragilidad (3:50)
1343. STING - If I Ever Lose My Faith In You (4:31)
1344. STING - If You Love Somebody Set Them Free (4:15)
1345. STING - It's Probably Me (5:01)
1346. STING - Love Is The Seventh Wave (3:30)
1347. STING - Mad About You (3:53)
1348. STING - Moon Over Bourbon Street (3:59)
1349. STING - Russians (3:56)
1350. STING - They Dance Alone (Cueca Solo) (7:14)
1351. STING - This Cowboy Song (5:00)
1352. STING - We'll Be Together (3:51)
1353. STING - When We dance (5:58)
1354. STING - Why Should I Cry For You? (4:51)
1355. Stratovarius - Glory of the world (4:53)
1356. Stratovarius - Hunting High And Low (4:08)
1357. Sugar Ray - Fly (3:52)
1358. Supertramp - babaji (4:52)
1359. Supertramp - Even in the Quietest Moments (6:28)
1360. Supertramp - fool's overture (10:51)
1361. Supertramp - Give a Little Bit (4:09)
1362. Supertramp - lady (5:26)
1363. Supertramp - Sister moonshine (5:16)
1364. Supertramp - The meaning (5:23)
1365. Survivor - Burning Heart (3:46)
1366. Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger (4:00)
1367. Swamp Terrorists - Blast It (4:28)
1368. Swamp Terrorists - Dicksmoker (3:43)
1369. Swamp Terrorists - Dive-Right Jab (4:03)
1370. Swamp Terrorists - Doubting Idol (4:29)
1371. Swamp Terrorists - Full Killer (5:01)
1372. Swamp Terrorists - Get O. (3:59)
1373. Swamp Terrorists - Rock Dead (1:08)
1374. Swamp Terrorists - Shape of Rage (3:54)
1375. Swamp Terrorists - Try Me (4:28)
1376. Swamp Terrorists - Vivid Smell (4:57)
1377. Swamp Terrorists - Weapon Killer (2:34)
1378. Swamp Terrorists - Wreck (4:59)
1379. Sébastien PERALES - ACiD 2000 (8:41)
1380. Sébastien PERALES - ACiD Slach Party (4:25)
1381. Techno - Cheer Dance (Cheerleading Mixes) (0:42)
1382. Techno - Dance Your Ass Off (6:31)
1383. Techno - Fightclub Techo Remix (1:41)
1384. Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam (1) (5:24)
1385. Texas - Alone With You (4:43)
1386. Texas - Beliefs (6:45)
1387. Texas - Dream Hotel (4:22)
1388. Texas - Everyday Now (4:35)
1389. Texas - Faith (4:20)
1390. Texas - Fight The Feeling (3:34)
1391. Texas - Fool for love (4:08)
1392. Texas - Future Is Promises (4:14)
1393. Texas - I Don't Want a Lover (5:00)
1394. Texas - In My Heart (4:15)
1395. Texas - Mothers Heaven (5:44)
1396. Texas - One Choice (4:06)
1397. Texas - Prayer for You (4:46)
1398. Texas - Southside (1:57)
1399. Texas - Tell Me Why (3:59)
1400. Texas - Thrill Has Gone (4:23)
1401. Texas - Why Believe In You (4:09)
1402. The Afghan Whigs - 66 (3:23)
1403. The Afghan Whigs - Crazy (4:04)
1404. The Afghan Whigs - Crazy (4:04)
1405. The Afghan Whigs - John The Baptist (5:34)
1406. The Afghan Whigs - John The Baptist (5:34)
1407. The Afghan Whigs - Omerta (5:40)
1408. The Afghan Whigs - Omerta (5:40)
1409. The Afghan Whigs - Somethin' Hot (2:57)
1410. The Afghan Whigs - Somethin' Hot (2:57)
1411. The Afghan Whigs - Sweet Son Of A Bitch (0:23)
1412. The Afghan Whigs - The Slide Song (3:54)
1413. The Afghan Whigs - The Slide Song (3:54)
1414. The Afghan Whigs - Uptown Again (3:11)
1415. The Afghan Whigs - Uptown Again (3:11)
1416. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Aerosmith - Walk This Way (3:59)
1417. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Big Brother & The Holding Company - Piee Of My Heart (4:05)
1418. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone (4:52)
1419. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Eric Clapton - Laila (Unplugged) (2:15)
1420. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Fleetwood Mac - Don`t Stop (4:03)
1421. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell (3:04)
1422. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning (4:47)
1423. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Oasis - Wonderwall (4:46)
1424. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Prince - Purle Rain (3:56)
1425. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - R.e.m. - Man On The Moon (3:29)
1426. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Red Hot Chili Pepers - Under The Bridge (4:00)
1427. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Rod Stewart - Baby Jane (4:46)
1428. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Santana - She`s Not There (4:19)
1429. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - The Byrds - Eight Miles High (4:31)
1430. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - The Clash - London Calling (3:39)
1431. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - The Doors - Break On Through (4:14)
1432. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Van Halen - Jump (4:05)
1433. The All Time Greatest (Varios) - Zz Top - Gimme All Your Lovin (3:52)
1434. The Battle of DJs - [A1] Megabass Megamix (20:39)
1435. The Battle of DJs - [A2] Nightfall At The Edge Of Chaos (4:19)
1436. The Battle of DJs - [AA3] Two Little Boys Megamix (21:29)
1437. The Beach Boys - Barbara Ann (2:03)
1438. The Beach Boys - I Can Hear Music (2:40)
1439. The Beach Boys - Surf's Up (4:08)
1440. The Chemical Brothers - Alive Alone (5:16)
1441. The Chemical Brothers - Brother's Gonna Work It Out/Not Another Drugstore (Planet Nine mix)/Block Rockin Beats/This Ain't Chicago/It's Just Begun (10:52)
1442. The Chemical Brothers - Chemical Beats (4:50)
1443. The Chemical Brothers - Chico's Groove (4:48)
1444. The Chemical Brothers - Come With Us (4:57)
1445. The Chemical Brothers - Denmark (5:07)
1446. The Chemical Brothers - Fuck Up Beats (1:25)
1447. The Chemical Brothers - Galaxy Bounce (3:27)
1448. The Chemical Brothers - Hoops (6:31)
1449. The Chemical Brothers - In Dust We Trust (5:17)
1450. The Chemical Brothers - It Began in Afrika (6:16)
1451. The Chemical Brothers - Leave Home (5:32)
1452. The Chemical Brothers - Life Is Sweet (6:33)
1453. The Chemical Brothers - Makin' A Living/Hot Wheels (The Chase)/The Theme (Unique Mix) /Gimme Some Love (9:13)
1454. The Chemical Brothers - Morning Lemon/Mars Needs Women/Thunder/Losing Control/Mother Earth (14:51)
1455. The Chemical Brothers - My Elastic Eye (3:41)
1456. The Chemical Brothers - One Too Many Mornings (4:13)
1457. The Chemical Brothers - Pioneer Skies (4:04)
1458. The Chemical Brothers - Playground For A Wedgeless Firm (2:31)
1459. The Chemical Brothers - Song to the Siren (3:16)
1460. The Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar (6:27)
1461. The Chemical Brothers - The Jazz/Sidewinder (312 Vs 216 Stomp mix)/Doin' It After Dark (D-Ski's dance)/Don't Stop The Rock/To A Nation Rockin' (15:37)
1462. The Chemical Brothers - The Riot/Trip Harder/Everything Must Go (Chemical Brothers remix)/I Think I'm In Love (Chemical Brothers Vocal Remix) (18:22)
1463. The Chemical Brothers - The State We're In (6:26)
1464. The Chemical Brothers - The Test (7:46)
1465. The Chemical Brothers - Three Little Birdies Down Beats (5:38)
1466. The Clash - London Calling (3:19)
1467. The Clash - Spanish Bombs (3:18)
1468. The Corrs - I Never Loved You Anyway (4:26)
1469. The Corrs - So Young (K Klass Remix) (4:14)
1470. The Cranberries - Ode To My Family (4:29)
1471. The Doors - Soul Kitchen (3:35)
1472. The Dreamteam - All I know (6:01)
1473. The Dreamteam - Freedom (5:57)
1474. The Dreamteam - IC the future (5:05)
1475. The Dreamteam - The Fist of the Northstar (6:50)
1476. The Dreamteam - With your love (5:42)
1477. The Eagles - Hotel California (6:29)
1478. The Matrix - Techno (1) (3:59)
1479. THE OFFSPRING - All I Want (1:54)
1480. The Offspring - All I Want (1:54)
1481. The Offspring - Amazed (4:25)
1482. THE OFFSPRING - Amazed (4:25)
1483. The Offspring - Americana (3:13)
1484. THE OFFSPRING - Change the world (6:23)
1485. The Offspring - Change The World (6:23)
1486. THE OFFSPRING - Cool To Hate (2:47)
1487. The Offspring - Cool To Hate (2:47)
1488. The Offspring - Disclaimer (0:44)
1489. THE OFFSPRING - Disclaimer (0:44)
1490. The Offspring - Don't Pick It Up (1:53)
1491. THE OFFSPRING - Don't pick it up (1:53)
1492. The Offspring - Feelings (2:49)
1493. The Offspring - Feelings (2:50)
1494. THE OFFSPRING - Gone away (4:28)
1495. The Offspring - Gone Away (4:28)
1496. The Offspring - Have you ever (3:56)
1497. THE OFFSPRING - I Choose (3:54)
1498. The Offspring - I Choose (3:54)
1499. The Offspring - Intermission (0:48)
1500. THE OFFSPRING - Intermission (0:48)
1501. THE OFFSPRING - Leave it behind (1:58)
1502. The Offspring - Leave It Behind (1:58)
1503. The Offspring - Me & My Old Lady (4:33)
1504. THE OFFSPRING - Me & My Old Lady (4:33)
1505. THE OFFSPRING - Mota (2:57)
1506. The Offspring - Mota (2:57)
1507. The Offspring - No brakes (2:04)
1508. The Offspring - Pay the man (10:19)
1509. The Offspring - Pretty fly (3:08)
1510. The Offspring - She's got issues (3:48)
1511. The Offspring - Staring at the sun (2:13)
1512. The Offspring - The end of the line (3:00)
1513. The Offspring - The kids aren't alright (3:00)
1514. THE OFFSPRING - The Meaning Of Life (2:56)
1515. The Offspring - The Meaning Of Life (2:56)
1516. The Offspring - Walla walla (2:55)
1517. The Offspring - Way Down The Line (2:36)
1518. THE OFFSPRING - Way down the line (2:36)
1519. The Offspring - Welcome (0:09)
1520. The Offspring - Why don't you get a job (2:52)
1521. The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (4:20)
1522. The Police - Spirits In The Material World (2:59)
1523. The Simpsons - Deep, Deep Trouble (4:28)
1524. The Simpsons - Do The Bartman (5:11)
1525. The Simpsons - Look At All Those Idiots (3:51)
1526. The Simpsons - Moanin' Lisa Blues (4:49)
1527. The Simpsons - School Day (3:56)
1528. The Simpsons - Sibling Rivalry (4:40)
1529. The Tempest (5:19)
1530. The Tempest (5:19)
1531. The Who - Who Are You (6:21)
1532. The Who - Who Are You (Lost Verse Mix) (6:22)
1533. Thin Lizzy - Do Anything You Want To (3:52)
1534. Thunderdome - 3 Steps Ahead - So Much Trouble (4:03)
1535. Thunderdome - Bara Nation - Jesus Words (4:05)


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Enregistré le : 08 avr.04, 21:11
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Ecrit le 04 mars06, 07:17

Message par IIuowolus »

La suisse....

1536. Thunderdome - Critical Mass - Can't Stop (3:57)
1537. Thunderdome - Discofrisco & DJ Delirium - Happy Verbs (4:23)
1538. Thunderdome - DJ Alex - Say What (4:06)
1539. Thunderdome - DJ Buzz Fuzz - Summertime (3:38)
1540. Thunderdome - DJ Davie Forbes - Apocalypse Now (4:15)
1541. Thunderdome - DJ Groovy - Shake It (Stunned Guys Mix) (4:05)
1542. Thunderdome - DJ Ricci & MC Hair - Sgam Sgam (200% Acidferious) (3:40)
1543. Thunderdome - DJ Weirdo & DJ Delirium - Open Your Eyez!!! (3:55)
1544. Thunderdome - James Daltan - About Sex (4:02)
1545. Thunderdome - Marc Smith - Pump Up The Noize (3:45)
1546. Thunderdome - Omar Santana - Oh Oh Boy (4:12)
1547. Thunderdome - SPublic Domain - O Get Up (Jeremy Mix) (3:42)
1548. Thunderdome - The Beatsquad - Roll The Drum (3:53)
1549. Thunderdome - The Prophet & DJ Delirium - Keep Your Body Pumpin' (4:00)
1550. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - A Face In The Crowd (3:59)
1551. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - A Mind With A Heart Of Its Own (3:31)
1552. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Alright For Now (2:00)
1553. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Depending On You (2:48)
1554. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Feel A Whole Lot Better (2:49)
1555. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Free Fallin' (4:16)
1556. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - I Won't Back Down (2:58)
1557. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Love Is A Long Road (4:07)
1558. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Runnin' Down A Dream (4:22)
1559. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - The Apartment Song (2:32)
1560. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Yer So Bad (3:05)
1561. Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Zombie Zoo (2:56)
1562. Tonnes (1:34)
1563. Toto - 99 (5:13)
1564. Toto - Africa (4:58)
1565. Toto - After You've Gone (6:37)
1566. Toto - Angela (4:45)
1567. Toto - Animal (5:03)
1568. Toto - Better World (Parts I, II and III) (7:41)
1569. Toto - Can You Hear What I'm Saying (5:02)
1570. Toto - Caught In The Balance (6:21)
1571. Toto - Child's Anthem (2:46)
1572. Toto - Cruel (5:57)
1573. Toto - Georgy Porgy (4:08)
1574. Toto - Georgy Porgy (4:09)
1575. Toto - Girl Goodbye (6:13)
1576. Toto - High Price Of Hate (9:49)
1577. Toto - Hold The Line (3:56)
1578. Toto - Hold the Line (3:56)
1579. Toto - I Won't Hold You Back (4:59)
1580. Toto - I'll Be Over You (3:51)
1581. Toto - I'll Supply the Love (3:46)
1582. Toto - Last Love (4:58)
1583. Toto - Love Has The Power (6:40)
1584. Toto - Mad About You (4:24)
1585. Toto - Manuela Run (3:54)
1586. Toto - Melanie (5:19)
1587. Toto - Mindfields (6:01)
1588. Toto - Mysterious Ways (3:40)
1589. Toto - No Love (4:35)
1590. Toto - One Road (3:45)
1591. Toto - Out Of Love (5:54)
1592. Toto - Pamela (5:10)
1593. Toto - Rockmaker (3:19)
1594. Toto - Rosanna (5:34)
1595. Toto - Selfish (5:30)
1596. Toto - Stop Loving You (4:29)
1597. Toto - Takin' It Back (3:47)
1598. Toto - You Are the Flower (4:11)
1741. Tranescape6 Add - on (6:53)
1742. U2 (with Bruce Springsteen) - Stand By Me (Rare) (4:27)
1743. U2 (with Bruce Springsteen) - Stand By Me (Rare) (4:27)
1744. U2 - Acrobat (4:30)
1745. U2 - All Along The Watchtower (4:24)
1746. U2 - All I Want Is You (6:30)
1747. U2 - Angel of Harlem (3:49)
1748. U2 - Beautiful Day (4:08)
1749. U2 - Bullet The Blue Sky (5:36)
1750. U2 - Desire (2:59)
1751. U2 - Elevation (3:47)
1752. U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing (3:41)
1753. U2 - Freedom For My People (0:38)
1754. U2 - Grace (5:30)
1755. U2 - Hawkmoon 269 (6:22)
1756. U2 - Helter Skelter (3:07)
1757. U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For (5:53)
1758. U2 - In A Little While (3:39)
1759. U2 - Kite (4:26)
1760. U2 - Love Is Blindness (4:23)
1761. U2 - Love Rescue Me (6:24)
1762. U2 - Mysterious Ways (4:03)
1763. U2 - New York (5:30)
1764. U2 - One (4:36)
1765. U2 - Peace On Earth (4:48)
1766. U2 - Pride (In the Name of Love) (4:27)
1767. U2 - Silver And Gold (5:49)
1768. U2 - So Cruel (5:49)
1769. U2 - Still Haven't Found What I'm L (4:38)
1770. U2 - Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of (4:32)
1771. U2 - Sunday, Bloody Sunday (4:39)
1772. U2 - The Fly (4:29)
1773. U2 - Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World (3:52)
1774. U2 - Ultra Violet (Light My Way) (5:30)
1775. U2 - Until The End Of The World (4:38)
1776. U2 - Van Diemen's Land (3:05)
1777. U2 - Walk On (4:56)
1778. U2 - When I Look At The World (4:17)
1779. U2 - When Love Comes To Town (4:15)
1780. U2 - Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses (5:16)
1781. U2 - Wild Honey (3:46)
1782. U2 - Zoo Station (4:36)
1783. U96 - Das Boot (5:15)
1784. Ugly Kid Joe - 10/10 (3:36)
1785. Ugly Kid Joe - C.U.S.T. (2:58)
1786. Ugly Kid Joe - Candle Song (2:57)
1787. Ugly Kid Joe - Cloudy Skies (4:24)
1788. Ugly Kid Joe - Clover (3:34)
1789. Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You (4:14)
1790. Ugly Kid Joe - God (2:52)
1791. Ugly Kid Joe - Heavy Metal (0:25)
1792. Ugly Kid Joe - Intro (1:50)
1793. Ugly Kid Joe - Jesus Rode A Harley (3:14)
1794. Ugly Kid Joe - Madman (3:38)
1795. Ugly Kid Joe - Milkman's Son (3:51)
1796. Ugly Kid Joe - Oompa (2:04)
1797. Ugly Kid Joe - Slower Than Nowhere (4:57)
1798. Ugly Kid Joe - Suckerpath (4:52)
1799. Ugly Kid Joe - Sweet Leaf / Funky Fresh Country Club (7:32)
1800. Ugly Kid Joe - Tomorrow's World (4:17)
1801. Ugly Kid Joe - Too Bad (5:54)
1802. Ugly Kid Joe - V.I.P. (3:46)
1803. Ugly Kid Joe - Whiplash Liquor (3:40)
1804. Upload For MP3 Unlimited - Barber's Adagio For Strings (3:44)
1805. Van Halen - Aftershock (5:28)
1806. Van Halen - Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love (3:48)
1807. Van Halen - Amsterdam (4:45)
1808. Van Halen - And The Cradle Will Rock... (3:33)
1809. Van Halen - Ballot Or The Bullet (5:42)
1810. Van Halen - Baluchitherium (4:04)
1811. Van Halen - Big Fat Money (3:57)
1812. Van Halen - Can't Get This Stuff No More (5:15)
1813. Van Halen - Can't Stop Lovin' You (4:07)
1814. Van Halen - Can't Stop Lovin' You (4:08)
1815. Van Halen - Dance The Night Away (3:05)
1816. Van Halen - Dirty Water Dog (5:27)
1817. Van Halen - Doin' Time (1:41)
1818. Van Halen - Don't Tell Me (What Love Can Do) (5:56)
1819. Van Halen - Dreams (4:51)
1820. Van Halen - Drop Dead Legs (4:13)
1821. Van Halen - Eruption (1:43)
1822. Van Halen - Feelin' (6:34)
1823. Van Halen - Fire In The Hole (5:31)
1824. Van Halen - From Afar (5:24)
1825. Van Halen - Girl Gone Bad (4:35)
1826. Van Halen - Hot For Teacher (4:44)
1827. Van Halen - House Of Pain (3:18)
1828. Van Halen - How Many Say I (6:04)
1829. Van Halen - Humans Being (5:09)
1830. Van Halen - I'll Wait (4:44)
1831. Van Halen - Josephina (5:42)
1832. Van Halen - Jump (4:01)
1833. Van Halen - Jump (4:03)
1834. Van Halen - Me Wise Magic (6:06)
1835. Van Halen - Neworld (1:45)
1836. Van Halen - Not Enough (5:12)
1837. Van Halen - Once (7:42)
1838. Van Halen - One I Want (5:30)
1839. Van Halen - Panama (3:31)
1840. Van Halen - Panama (3:32)
1841. Van Halen - Poundcake (5:21)
1842. Van Halen - Primary (1:27)
1843. Van Halen - Right Now (5:21)
1844. Van Halen - Runnin' With The Devil (3:36)
1845. Van Halen - Strung Out (1:28)
1846. Van Halen - Take Me Back (Deja Vu) (4:42)
1847. Van Halen - The Seventh Seal (5:18)
1848. Van Halen - Top Jimmy (3:02)
1849. Van Halen - Unchained (3:29)
1850. Van Halen - When It's Love (5:39)
1851. Van Halen - Why Can't This Be Love (3:47)
1852. Van Halen - Without You (6:30)
1853. Van Halen - Year To The Day (8:34)
1854. Vangelis - Albedo 0.39 (4:24)
1855. Vangelis - Alpha (5:47)
1856. Vangelis - Apocalypse des animaux - Generique (1:28)
1857. Vangelis - Chromatique (3:28)
1858. Vangelis - Deliverance (4:31)
1859. Vangelis - Eric's Theme (4:22)
1860. Vangelis - Irlande (4:46)
1861. Vangelis - Kinematic (3:47)
1862. Vangelis - L'ours musicien (1:05)
1863. Vangelis - La mort du loup (3:06)
1864. Vangelis - Memory of Antartica (5:30)
1865. Vangelis - Menousis (6:39)
1866. Vangelis - Multi-Track suggestion (5:33)
1867. Vangelis - Pulstar (5:47)
1868. Vangelis - Spiral (6:59)
1869. Vangelis - To the unknown man (9:05)
1870. Varios - Alvin Lee & Geoge Harrison - Talk Don't Brother Me (3:33)
1871. Varios - Asia - Heart Of Gold (4:44)
1872. Varios - Blue Oliver Cult - Demon's Kiss (3:53)
1873. Varios - Doc Holliday - Song For The Outlaw (4:12)
1874. Varios - Electric Light Orchestra - Hold On Tight (1:58)
1875. Varios - Eric Clapton - Boom Boom (2:23)
1876. Varios - Holly Johnson - Slay The Dragon (2:18)
1877. Varios - Jimi Hendrix - Good Times (4:01)
1878. Varios - John Bongiovi - Who Said It Would Last Forever (3:58)
1879. Varios - John Lawton - Free Me (5:08)
1880. Varios - Johnny Winter - Gangster Of Love (4:12)
1881. Varios - Peter Frampton & The Heavy Metal Boys - Love Taker (6:41)
1882. Varios - Roy Wood & Wizzard - Rattlesnake Roll (4:02)
1883. Varios - Saxon - We Came Here To Rock (4:21)
1884. Varios - Skorpions - I'm Going Mad (4:43)
1885. Varios - The Doobie Brothers - Sweet Maxine (4:05)
1886. Various - ABBA Rivival Band / Dancing Queen (5:36)
1887. Various - Ace of Base / Always Will, Always Have (3:42)
1888. Various - Alice Cooper / School's Out (3:30)
1889. Various - Annihilator - Realm of Darkness (4:24)
1890. Various - Archies / Sugar, Sugar (2:45)
1891. various - Arsenio * Larry Harlow (4:55)
1892. Various - Atomic Rooster / Tomorrow Night (4:50)
1893. Various - Ayla / Atlantis (Unity) (2:29)
1894. Various - Ayla / Ayla - Part II (3:21)
1895. Various - Bachman, Turner Overdrive / Takin' Care Of Business (live) (5:52)
1896. Various - Backstreet Boys / All I Have To Give (4:06)
1897. Various - Bad Company / Can't Get Enough (4:16)
1898. Various - Basic Connection / Habla Me Luna (3:52)
1899. Various - Bass X / Hardcore disco (album mix) (4:02)
1900. Various - Beethoven / Für Elise (3:04)
1901. Various - Blank & Jones / Hartbeat (3:29)
1902. Various - Blue Manner Haze - By any means (4:49)
1903. Various - Brahms / Walzer As-Dur (1:24)
1904. Various - Brain Bug / Nightmare - Sinister Strings Mix (6:44)
1905. Various - Brainblower / Terror drums (5:10)
1906. Various - Breach: Potential Failure (3:34)
1907. Various - Brotherhood Of Man / Angelo (3:14)
1908. Various - Brothers In Crime / Dance (5:03)
1909. Various - Buzz Fuzz / Countdown (3:51)
1910. Various - C.M. / Dream Universe (4:51)
1911. Various - Canned Heat / Goin' Up The Country (4:14)
1912. Various - Canned Heat / Let's Work Together (2:49)
1913. Various - Canyon / Purple Phaze (6:43)
1914. Various - Carlos / The Silmarilla (3:48)
1915. Various - Cats / One Way Wind (3:42)
1916. Various - Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo (4:42)
1917. Various - Chosen Few - Fucking Hardcore #3 (2:14)
1918. Various - Chris Norman / Midnight Lady (5:01)
1919. Various - Christina Aquilera / Just Be Free (3:45)
1920. Various - Circus of Power - Black roses (3:58)
1921. Various - Citrus / Fascinating rhythm (Weirdo remix) (5:52)
1922. Various - Coracko - Overblown roses (4:51)
1923. Various - Crazy Malamute / Braveheart (5:51)
1924. Various - Culture Beat / Pay No Mind (3:42)
1925. Various - Cyanide - Edge of Panic (4:11)
1926. Various - Cyndi Lauper / Disco Inferno (3:42)
1927. Various - Damage Inc. / Dead head ed (5:32)
1928. Various - Dano / 120-9000 BPM (3:03)
1929. Various - Dantzig - Dirty black summer (5:13)
1930. Various - David & Jonathan / Lover's Of The World Unite (2:33)
1931. Various - Deep Purple / Black Night (3:26)
1932. Various - DJ Bobo / Where Is Your Love (3:53)
1933. Various - Dj Buzz / Whales (3:39)
1934. Various - DJ Dano & Liza 'n' Eliaz - Energy Boost (5:09)
1935. Various - DJ Deaz D. / Back In Time (4:32)
1936. Various - Dj Energy / I Just Can't Get Enough (4:53)
1937. Various - DJ Gizmo & The Darkraver / We Got The Juice (4:43)
1938. Various - DJ Gizmo / Breathin' (5:26)
1939. Various - DJ Hell / Copa (3:32)
1940. Various - Dj Jan / X-Santo (5:18)
1941. Various - Dj Manga / Remember How It Started (4:33)
1942. Various - Dj Philip / Too Deep (Dj Tibby Remix) (2:02)
1943. Various - Dj Sammy feat. Charisma / In 2 Eternity (3:48)
1944. Various - Dj Taucher / Atlantis (1997 Remix) (3:16)
1945. Various - DJ Tomcraft / Unicum (8:48)
1946. Various - DJ Tonka / Security (3:35)
1947. Various - DLK: Haze (2:20)
1948. Various - Doobie Brothers / China Grove (3:17)
1949. Various - Dr. Hook - A Couple More Years (3:09)
1950. Various - Dream Your Dream / Goes Trouble - Trance Mix (7:23)
1951. Various - Dune feat. Vanessa / Keep The Secret (3:26)
1952. Various - Dutch Concert / Slammin' (4:45)
1953. Various - Dyewitness & The Nightraver / The Future (4:53)
1954. Various - East-17 / Each Time (3:58)
1955. Various - Echt / Wo Bist Du Jetzt? (3:35)
1956. Various - Elkie Brooks / Only Woman Bleed (4:30)
1957. Various - Emerson, Lake & Palmer / Tiger In A Spotlight (live) (4:05)
1958. Various - Energy 52 / Café Del Mar (3:01)
1959. Various - Enter / Load + Save (7:11)
1960. Various - Extreme - Rest in peace (6:02)
1961. Various - Faces / Stay With Me (4:43)
1962. Various - Faith No More - A small victory (4:55)
1963. Various - Fantasy / Made In Hong Kong (7:17)
1964. Various - Fats Domino / Red Sails In The Sunset (2:33)
1965. Various - Forze DJ Team / Sweat On My Balls (4:26)
1966. Various - Freakyman / Discobug '97 (6:33)
1967. Various - Future Breeeze / Another Day (3:13)
1968. Various - G.H.S. / Let's Go (4:37)
1969. Various - Ganesh / Captain Tinrib's back again (7:47)
1970. Various - Gary Pucket & The Union Gap / Lady Willpower (2:36)
1971. Various - Genetic Waste / Genetic waste (4:38)
1972. Various - Gerry & The Pacemakers / Ferry Cross The Mersey (2:24)
1973. Various - Girlschool / Hit and run (3:24)
1974. Various - Gloria Gaynor / I will survive (4:38)
1975. Various - Gollum & Hunter / Feel so good (7:35)
1976. Various - Gorgeous / Don't Stop (3:40)
1977. Various - Greg Lake / Parisienne Walkways (5:56)
1978. Various - Guano Apes / Open Your Eyes (3:07)
1979. Various - Haardcore - Toxic Waste 396 (4:54)
1980. Various - Hawkwind / Silver Machine (4:39)
1981. Various - Hot Chocolate / The First Day Of Summer (4:45)
1982. Various - Humble Pie / Honky Tonk Woman (live) (5:37)
1983. Various - Hux Flux: Aint it Funny ? (2:55)
1984. Various - Hyperact / House Agression (3:45)
1985. Various - Irena Cara / What a feeling (3:37)
1986. Various - It's in his kiss (2:10)
1987. Various - I´m Gonna Miss You Forever / Aaron Carter (3:37)
1988. Various - Jam and Spoon - I pull my gun twice (5:21)
1989. Various - Jens / Loops & Things (fruit loops remix) (4:01)
1990. Various - Jimi Tenor / Can't Stay With You Baby (4:35)
1991. Various - John Morris Orchestra / Lifts In The Lake Theme (0:58)
1992. Various - Jungo the Lunch - The crawl (4:53)
1993. Various - Keng / Infiltrator (3:25)
1994. Various - Killer / Bring it on (3:37)
1995. Various - Kosmonova vs. Fiocco / Celebrate (3:30)
1996. Various - L 7 - Pretend we're dead (3:55)
1997. Various - Lenny Dee & Dark Rave - To Da Rythm (5:10)
1998. Various - Little Jam / Flaming star (6:28)
1999. Various - Loona / Hijo De La Luna (3:54)
2000. Various - Loving Loop / Listen To That Fat Bass (5:35)
2001. Various - Luisa Fernandez / Lay Love On You (3:55)
2002. Various - Lying eyes (3:33)
2003. Various - Lynyrd Skynyrd / Freebird (8:59)
2004. Various - Mach 1 / Roadrunner (3:42)
2005. various - Mambo Tipico * Tito Puente & His Orchestra (3:00)
2006. Various - Marusha / Check Dis Out (5:07)
2007. Various - Mega Mind / Transconnecting (6:39)
2008. Various - Members of Mayday - Sonic Empire (original mix) (7:07)
2009. Various - Members Of Mayday / Save The Robots (3:35)
2010. Various - Mental Hardcore Associates / Let's get Wappie (4:28)
2011. Various - Michael Lloyd & Le Disc / De Todo Un Poco (2:28)
2012. Various - Mirabeau / Bang da beat (6:44)
2013. Various - Miss Jane / It's A Fine Day (3:30)
2014. Various - Miss You Like Crazy / The Moffatts (3:25)
2015. Various - MK / Burning (Klubbheads Mix) (6:47)
2016. Various - Mozart / Rondo alla Turca a-Moll (3:37)
2017. Various - Music Instructor feat. Abe / Get Freaky (3:45)
2018. Various - Music Instructor feat. Flying Steps / Super Sonic (3:47)
2019. Various - My boyfriend's back (3:15)
2020. Various - Mystique / He's afraid (5:49)
2021. Various - N.Y.C.C. / Fight For Your Right (3:24)
2022. Various - Nalin and Kane - Beachball (extended vocal mix) (7:28)
2023. Various - Nalin Inc. / Red Button (9:52)
2024. Various - Nazareth / This Flight Tonight (3:24)
2025. Various - Obsessive / Tune In-Turn Out (5:39)
2026. Various - Omar Santana / Edit Meister (4:48)
2027. Various - Original Gabber feat. MC Lunatic - Don't Fuck With Me (3:34)
2028. Various - Otis Redding / Love Man (2:17)
2029. Various - Pat Benatar / Hit Me With Your Best Shot (live) (3:22)
2030. Various - Penetrator / Love Entry (3:41)
2031. Various - Phase 4 / Remember How It Started (4:10)
2032. Various - Pro Active / Straight On (3:57)
2033. Various - Prophet / Allright Here We Go (5:05)
2034. Various - Pulsedriver / Kiss That Sound (3:48)
2035. Various - Rage against the Machine - Killing in the name (5:14)
2036. Various - Rainy night in Georgia (3:56)
2037. Various - Rave the City V [Disk 2] - 16 - Lord Diskco Can You Feel The Force.mp3
2038. Various - Rave the City V [Disk 2] - 17 - Mass Hypnosis Jammin' n' Slammin.mp3
2039. Various - Red Sun / Amaterasu - Toyko Extended Mix (5:59)
2040. Various - Rene and Peran - Give it to me (3:35)
2041. Various - Repulsor / Double action (6:01)
2042. Various - Rich in Paradise / Headhunter (4:36)
2043. Various - Riot Nation - Abba-Gabba (4:51)
2044. Various - Riot Nation - We Keep Going On (3:58)
2045. Various - Ritchie Valens / Donna (2:27)
2046. Various - Robbie Williams / Let Me Entertain You (4:23)
2047. Various - Rock your baby (2:09)
2048. Various - Roger Chapman / Let's Spend The Night Together (3:27)
2049. Various - Rory Gallagher / Souped-Up Ford (6:25)
2050. Various - Run DMC vs. Jason Nevins / (It´s) Tricky (3:36)
2051. Various - Salt'n'Pepa / Push It (3:45)
2052. Various - Sash! / La Primavera (3:10)
2053. Various - Sash! with special appearance of Dr. Alban / Colour The World (3:36)
2054. Various - Satanic Surfers: Satanic Surfers (2:16)
2055. Various - Schubert / Impromptu As-Dur 142 (7:26)
2056. Various - Schubert / Moment musical f-Moll op. 94 (1:58)
2057. Various - Scott Brown meets DJ Paul / Smoke this M.F. (4:23)
2058. Various - Search & Destroy - Happ-E People (6:01)
2059. Various - Shame / The Boyz (3:35)
2060. Various - Shania Twain / Two Hearts One Love (3:35)
2061. Various - Sigma 909 / Massive (4:40)
2062. Various - SM-Trax / Got the Groove (3:53)
2063. Various - Snake / Smoke on the water (6:25)
2064. Various - Sober: Sick'n'tired (0:52)
2065. various - Song Ffom My Father * Bubby Valentin (4:10)
2066. Various - Sonicdriver / Lethal breaks (4:08)
2067. Various - Sound Structure / No Limits Track Reality (6:43)
2068. Various - Soundgarden - Outshined (5:11)
2069. Various - Space Seed / Devistation (4:05)
2070. Various - Speedfreak - Freak Tonight (5:16)
2071. Various - Spike / Respect (3:39)
2072. Various - Starparty / Im in love (5:46)
2073. Various - Status Quo / Caroline (3:49)
2074. Various - Steppenwolf / Born To Be Wild (3:32)
2075. Various - Steve Gibbons Band / In Over My Heart (3:02)
2076. Various - Stingray / Floor Filler (4:34)
2077. Various - Sweet talkin' guy (2:23)
2078. Various - Technohead - Headsex (4:18)
2079. Various - Technohead - I Wanna Be a Hippy (Zippy Mix) (4:19)
2080. Various - Tellurian - Voodoo Vibe (4:23)
2081. Various - Temple of the Dog - Hunger strike (4:03)
2082. Various - Ten years after / I'm Going Home (9:58)
2083. Various - The allmighty - Addiction (5:41)
2084. Various - The Black Crowes - remedy (5:23)
2085. Various - The Cascades / Rhythm Of The Rain (2:25)
2086. Various - The Cult - She sells sanctuary (dog star radio) (3:43)
2087. Various - The Drifters / Some Kind Of Wonderful (2:35)
2088. Various - The Hollies - 4Th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) (4:03)
2089. Various - The Platters / My Prayer (2:44)
2090. Various - The Scotchman / Asylum (3:48)
2091. Various - The Scotchman / Life Force (3:58)
2092. Various - The Secret / Starkissed (8:10)
2093. Various - The tubes / Hoods from outer space (4:08)
2094. Various - The Yardbirds / Still I'm Sad (2:57)
2095. Various - Thin Lizzy / The Rocker (3:47)
2096. Various - Three 'N One / Sin City (7:09)
2097. Various - Tina Charles / I Love To Love (3:05)
2098. Various - Touch And Go / Would You...? (3:10)
2099. Various - Toy Box / Tarzan & Jane (3:00)
2100. Various - Trancelate / Sweet music (5:59)
2101. Various - Translucid / By My Side (2:53)
2102. Various - Tribulation: Worship the Hole (2:20)
2103. Various - Tripple S / Whoomp! (There It Is) (3:20)
2104. Various - Troggs / Wild Thing (2:36)
2105. Various - Tschaikowsky / Oktober op. 37a (3:58)
2106. Various - Tyrone T.B. / The Outback (7:49)
2107. Various - Ugly Kid Joe - Everything about you (4:20)
2108. Various - Ugly Kid Joe - Neighbor (4:45)
2109. Various - Uncurbed: No Respect (2:00)
2110. Various - Union: Verbal Bullets (2:19)
2111. Various - United Deejays For Cetral America / Too Much Rain (3:37)
2112. Various - Uriah Heep / Seven Stars (live) (5:45)
2113. Various - Van Bellen / Let Me Take You (4:07)
2114. Various - Velocity / Future - Arpeggiators Remix (7:03)
2115. Various - Vengaboys / Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom (3:23)
2116. Various - Walter One - This Is Not the End (3:29)
2117. Various - Warlock / Reality is a nightmare (5:19)
2118. Various - Wasteland / Live (4:55)
2119. Various - Westbam / Beatbox Rocker (3:42)
2120. Various - Wishbone Ash / Keeper Of The Light (3:48)
2121. Various - ZZ Top / Tush (2:17)
2122. Various Artists - 15 - San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair) (3:36)
2123. Various Artists - 2 Unlimited / Get Ready For This (5:29)
2124. Various Artists - 2/4 Family - Lean On Me (With The Family) (3:39)
2125. Various Artists - 3 Steps Ahead / Action (3:54)
2126. Various Artists - 4-Nu-Tek - Caotic (4:40)
2127. Various Artists - 50% Of The Dreamteam / The Thundertheme (3:38)
2128. Various Artists - A.M. Synaptic - Partial (7:01)
2129. Various Artists - Acid Jesus - Move my body (5:37)
2130. Various Artists - Age - Eight sphere (4:52)
2131. Various Artists - Alles Egal (3:47)
2132. Various Artists - Andy De Jarlis/Ingonish/Mrs. McGhee - Altan (3:33)
2133. Various Artists - Annie Lennox - Cold (4:23)
2135. Various Artists - Are Back (2:58)
2136. Various Artists - Armando - 151 remix (5:51)
2137. Various Artists - At Les Carl Craig (6:07)
2138. Various Artists - Atahualpa / Ultimo Imperio (6:32)
2139. Various Artists - Atomheart - Baud (5:18)
2140. Various Artists - Atomu Shinzo - Metabol (5:41)
2142. Various Artists - Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes (4:50)
2143. Various Artists - Bruce Channel / Hey Baby (2:23)
2144. Various Artists - Burger Industries - The Walkthrough (5:53)
2145. Various Artists - Buzz Fuzz / Nu Year (3:50)
2147. Various Artists - Cher / Believe (3:58)
2148. Various Artists - Christy Barry's Set - Kevin Crawford (4:11)
2149. Various Artists - Closed eyes-orig. Theme Leme (7:10)
2151. Various Artists - Cusp - Mars the red planet (6:25)
2152. Various Artists - Cybersnack Shiva's ticket to brain (7:52)
2153. Various Artists - Cyclo S9 - Cry-acid (4:52)
2154. Various Artists - D.O.N.S. / Jack To The Sound Of The Underground (3:29)
2155. Various Artists - Das Duell - Strange Invaders (Remix) (4:56)
2156. Various Artists - Das Geh mmer (4:39)
2157. Various Artists - Die 4 Apostel / Zieh' dich aus kleine Maus (2:52)
2158. Various Artists - Die Roten Rosen / Auld Lang Syne (2:32)
2159. Various Artists - Digisnake - Mushroom (9:45)
2160. Various Artists - Diving Faces Liquid Child (6:11)
2161. Various Artists - Dj Dano - Something Bigger (Here We Go Again Remix) (3:57)
2162. Various Artists - DJ Gizmo / Hear Me On The Radio (3:41)
2163. Various Artists - DJ I.C.O.N. / Voco Me (4:01)
2164. Various Artists - Dj Nation - Pump It (Straight Mix) (3:19)
2165. Various Artists - DJ Sim / You're A Nut (3:29)
2166. Various Artists - Dominic Sangeet - Pushkar (5:42)
2168. Various Artists - Duncan Faure - 24 Hours (3:39)
2169. Various Artists - E-Trax / Modulator (3:59)
2170. Various Artists - Eco / Hass und Liebe (3:35)
2171. Various Artists - Edge 7 - Naked, hungry & obsessive (5:02)
2172. Various Artists - El Bruto / Hypnotising (3:57)
2173. Various Artists - Eric Carmen / Hungry Eyes (4:08)
2174. Various Artists - Eskimos & Egypt / Welcome To The Future (4:56)
2175. Various Artists - Faray / Back To Back (3:18)
2177. Various Artists - Force Legato / System (6:49)
2178. Various Artists - Fusion / China In Your Hands (3:23)
2179. Various Artists - Gary 138 D / Sunbeam (6:02)
2180. Various Artists - Genetic Drugs - Seat of cosmic dance (6:05)
2181. Various Artists - Genetic Waste - Genetic waste (4:46)
2182. Various Artists - Go Get Busy (4:09)
2184. Various Artists - Happy Vibes (4:02)
2185. Various Artists - Having Sex (4:02)
2186. Various Artists - Hotel California - Hotel California (4:42)
2187. Various Artists - I Wanna Be A Hippy (4:40)
2189. Various Artists - Janusphere - SHivas Häubchen (10:43)
2190. Various Artists - Jennifer Paige / Sober (4:00)
2191. Various Artists - K.D. Lang - Hush Sweet Lover (4:07)
2192. Various Artists - Klangwerk / Die Kybernauten (6:54)
2193. Various Artists - Kosmic Love (live at Ossuleldorado) Kosmic Love (3:19)
2195. Various Artists - L.A. Style / James Brown Is Dead (5:40)
2197. Various Artists - LeAnn Rimes / How Do I Love (3:43)
2198. Various Artists - Leis Lacha/An Ghaoth Aniar Aneas/Cailin an Ti Mhoir - Declan Masterson (4:05)
2199. Various Artists - Let's Go Party (4:04)
2200. Various Artists - Liquido / Narcotic (3:51)
2201. Various Artists - Lockjaw / Ruff 'N Ruggin (4:01)
2202. Various Artists - Look Ahead (3:55)
2203. Various Artists - Lou Reed - Perfect Day (3:46)
2204. Various Artists - Lt. D'Amato - Sounds Of Frustration (4:12)
2205. Various Artists - Lägrimas 09 Rocio (09W Dub) Audio Lotion (6:16)
2206. Various Artists - Madonna - Causing A Commotion (4:21)
2207. Various Artists - Madonna - The Look Of Love (4:04)
2208. Various Artists - Madonna - Who's That Girl (4:00)
2209. Various Artists - Madonna 303 - Help me do good (5:59)
2210. Various Artists - Mahatma Gandhi - Outro (1:31)
2211. Various Artists - Make You Dance (3:32)
2212. Various Artists - Maurice Williams and The Zodiacs / Stay (1:35)
2213. Various Artists - Megamix (77:10)
2214. Various Artists - Merry Clayton / Yes (3:17)
2216. Various Artists - Michael Davidson - Turn It Up (3:57)
2217. Various Artists - Mickey and Sylvia / Love Is Strange (2:54)
2218. Various Artists - Mike Ink & The Chain Of Brotherhood - Lovely Ugly Brutal World (5:00)
2220. Various Artists - Mind Of A Lunatic (3:45)
2221. Various Artists - Misteria / Who Killed JFK (5:39)
2222. Various Artists - Mondo Bopp remix BNX (7:04)
2223. Various Artists - Monoculture / Free (3:20)
2224. Various Artists - Move Those Legs Mix By 3 Steps Ahead (feat Lady Jay) / Thunderdome 7 Megamix (7:33)
2225. Various Artists - Nicholas Dodo - Aftermath (3:36)
2226. Various Artists - Northern Boys / Can You Feel (3:55)
2227. Various Artists - Oli P. / I Wish (3:23)
2229. Various Artists - Patrick Swayze / She's Like the Wind (3:52)
2230. Various Artists - Pessa Pessa (4:03)
2231. Various Artists - Phantom / The Abyss (7:37)
2232. Various Artists - Planet Love Ink - Livin' in pain (6:25)
2233. Various Artists - Play My Game (4:51)
2235. Various Artists - Public Domain / So Get Up (3:57)
2236. Various Artists - PVC / 65-47-3 (4:07)
2237. Various Artists - Ralphie Dee / Mad As Hell (3:52)
2238. Various Artists - Realm Of Natas (4:03)
2239. Various Artists - Recall IV / Contrast (6:18)
2240. Various Artists - Rescue (4:08)
2241. Various Artists - Robbie Williams / Strong (4:36)
2243. Various Artists - Sasha / If You Believe (3:57)
2244. Various Artists - Scarlet - Independent Love Song (3:51)
2245. Various Artists - Schiller / Das Glockenspiel (3:10)
2246. Various Artists - Schoom (3:44)
2247. Various Artists - Scooter / Call Me Manana (3:46)
2248. Various Artists - Scott Brown Meets DJ Paul / Cheese 'N Beats (4:02)
2249. Various Artists - Search & Destroy P.E.-E.P. - What Kind Of Madness (4:37)
2251. Various Artists - SFR & Guitar Rob / Total Selfdestruction (3:59)
2252. Various Artists - Shetland Jumper/Message From Home/Wise Up, Grumpy - John McGann (3:39)
2253. Various Artists - Shine - Move the temple (8:59)
2254. Various Artists - Shiva Chandra - Incense (5:31)
2257. Various Artists - Special Agent Fuse - Special agent fuse (4:58)
2258. Various Artists - Squeezer / Wishing You Where Here (3:41)
2260. Various Artists - Suckers (3:46)
2261. Various Artists - T 99 / Anasthasia (4:35)
2262. Various Artists - The Age Of Love / Age Of Love (6:47)
2263. Various Artists - The Blow Monkeys / You Don't Own Me (3:01)
2264. Various Artists - The Clown / Do You Want A Balloon??? (3:15)
2265. Various Artists - The Five Satins / In the Still of the Night (3:05)
2266. Various Artists - The Fly Manon (6:17)
2267. Various Artists - The Lie-In King The Irresistible Force (7:23)
2268. Various Artists - The Newyork Terrorist / Da Joint (3:49)
2269. Various Artists - The Prophet / Allright Now Here We Go (Rob Gee Remix) (3:51)
2272. Various Artists - The Purple Anthem (3:54)
2273. Various Artists - The Ronettes / Be My Baby (2:39)
2274. Various Artists - The Sculpture - Spariakus (4:41)
2275. Various Artists - The Shoeshineman (4:24)
2277. Various Artists - Tom Johnston / Where Are You Tonight? (4:00)
2278. Various Artists - Toni Braxton - Love Shoulda Brought You Home (4:58)
2279. Various Artists - Toni Salmonelli / Hey! (3:56)
2280. Various Artists - Track3/slected ambient worksIII Aphex Twin (4:36)
2281. Various Artists - U 96 / Das Boot (5:15)
2283. Various Artists - Underground Nation Of Rotterdam - I Am The Master (3:25)
2284. Various Artists - Useless(Depeche Mode) Remix by Kruder&Dorfmeister (6:09)
2285. Various Artists - Vanugenth The 5th / Pussycat (4:08)
2286. Various Artists - Westbam feat. Marusha / The Mayday Anthem (5:37)
2287. Various Artists - Windflower Insect Jazz (5:24)
2288. Various Artists - Zappacosta / Overload (3:41)
2289. Various Artists - Zweig Aural Float (7:02)
2290. Vaughan, Stevie Ray - Let Me Love You Baby (2:43)
2291. Vaughan, Stevie Ray - SRV Speaks (1:33)
2292. Vaughan, Stevie Ray and Double Trouble - Ain't Gone 'N' Give Up On Love (6:07)
2293. Vaughan, Stevie Ray and Double Trouble - Life Without You (4:28)
2294. Vaughan, Stevie Ray and Double Trouble - Little Wing/Third Stone From The Sun (13:32)
2295. Vaughan, Stevie Ray and Double Trouble - SRV Speaks (1:42)
2296. Vaughan, Stevie Ray and Double Trouble - You'll Be Mine (3:45)
2297. Vaya Con Dios - Call On Me (4:25)
2298. Vaya Con Dios - Don't Break My Heart (4:26)
2299. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 01 - Lonely Feeling.mp3
2300. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 02 - Stay With Me.mp3
2301. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 03 - Hot August Night.mp3
2302. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 05 - Mind On Vacation.mp3
2303. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 07 - What If.mp3
2304. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 08 - Evening Of Love.mp3
2305. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 09 - Paradise.mp3
2306. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 10 - Get To You.mp3
2307. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 11 - Don't Hate You Anymore.mp3
2308. Vaya Con Dios - Roots & Wings - 12 - Movin' On.mp3
2309. Vengaboys - Sex On The Beach! (3:40)
2310. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm (4:13)
2311. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm - 01 - Black X-Mas.mp3
2312. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm - 02 - The Chanting Of The Priests.mp3
2313. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm - 03 - Metal Punk.mp3
2314. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm - 04 - Under A Spell.mp3
2315. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm - 06 - Fire.mp3
2316. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm - 07 - Krackin' Up.mp3
2317. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm - 08 - Beauty And The Beast.mp3
2318. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm - 09 - Deadline.mp3
2319. VENOM - Calm Before The Storm - 10 - Gypsy.mp3
2320. VENOM - Muscle (2:42)
2321. Vinnie Moore - Am I only Dreaming? (4:01)
2322. Vinnie Moore - From Now On (3:47)
2323. Vinnie Moore - Hero Without Honor (7:18)
2324. Vinnie Moore - In Control (4:38)
2325. Vinnie Moore - Lifeforce (4:01)
2326. Vinnie Moore - Mind's Eye (3:28)
2327. Vinnie Moore - Mind's Eye - 02 - Daydream.mp3
2328. Vinnie Moore - Mind's Eye - 03 - Saved By A Miracle.mp3
2329. Vinnie Moore - Mind's Eye - 08 - Shadows Of Yesterday.mp3
2330. Vinnie Moore - Mind's Eye - 09 - The Journey.mp3
2331. Vinnie Moore - N.N.Y (3:43)
2332. Vinnie Moore - Out Of Nowhere - 01 - Whit The Flow.mp3
2333. Vinnie Moore - Out Of Nowhere - 02 - Losing Faith.mp3
2334. Vinnie Moore - Out Of Nowhere - 03 - Echoes.mp3
2335. Vinnie Moore - Out Of Nowhere - 04 - Thunderball.mp3
2336. Vinnie Moore - Out Of Nowhere - 06 - Time Traveler.mp3
2337. Vinnie Moore - Out Of Nowhere - 08 - She's only Sleeping.mp3
2338. Vinnie Moore - Out Of Nowhere - 10 - 770 Days.mp3
2339. Vinnie Moore - Out Of Nowhere - 11 - Move That Thang !.mp3
2340. Vinnie Moore - Out Of Nowhere - 12 - Winter Sun.mp3
2341. Vinnie Moore - The Tempest (8:48)
2342. Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey - 01 - Morning Star.mp3
2343. Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey - 02 - Prelude - Into The Future.mp3
2344. Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey - 03 - Beyond The Door.mp3
2345. Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey - 04 - Message In A Dream.mp3
2346. Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey - 05 - As Time Slips By.mp3
2347. Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey - 06 - Race With Destiny.mp3
2348. Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey - 07 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps.mp3
2349. Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey - 09 - Pieces Of A Picture.mp3
2350. Vinnie Moore - Time Odyssey - 10 - April Sky.mp3
2351. Vinnie Moore - ViniMan's Brew (4:20)
2352. Vivaldi - Vivaldi - Four Seasons (Techno Remix) (2:32)
2353. VRP - Partir (4:21)
2354. VRP - Sttelllamentable (3:17)
2355. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 01 - Une Blague.mp3
2356. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 02 - La Grosse Papille.mp3
2357. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 03 - La Picardie.mp3
2358. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 04 - Leo.mp3
2359. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 05 - L'echo Rameur.mp3
2360. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 06 - Bartek.mp3
2361. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 08 - Tout Pour Le Fric.mp3
2362. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 09 - Abdul.mp3
2363. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 10 - Aujourd'hui C'est Dimanche.mp3
2364. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 12 - Memere.mp3
2365. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 13 - Ma Vache A Grossi.mp3
2366. VRP - Vacances Prolongees - 14 - Salope.mp3
2367. Walter Trout Band - Let Me Know (4:55)
2368. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 01 - Livin' Every Day.mp3
2369. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 04 - Sweet Butterfly (Sophie's Song).mp3
2370. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 05 - I Thought I Heard The Devil.mp3
2371. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 06 - Through The Eyes Of Love.mp3
2372. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 08 - City Man.mp3
2373. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 09 - Fool For Love.mp3
2374. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 10 - Say What You Mean.mp3
2375. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 11 - Apparitions.mp3
2376. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 12 - Junkyards In Your Eyes.mp3
2377. Walter Trout Band - Livin' Every Day - 13 - The Love That We Once Knew.mp3
2378. Walter Trout Band - Nothin' But The Blues (5:19)
2379. Walter Trout Band - Playing With A Losin' Hand (4:17)
2380. Walter Trout Band - Prisoner Of A Dream (6:13)
2381. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 01 - I Can Tell.mp3
2382. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 03 - Wanna See The Morning.mp3
2383. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 04 - I Need To Belong.mp3
2384. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 05 - Runnin' Blues.mp3
2385. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 06 - On The Rise.mp3
2386. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 08 - Head Hung Down.mp3
2387. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 09 - Please Don't Go.mp3
2388. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 10 - Tellin' Stories.mp3
2389. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 11 - Somebody's Cryin'.mp3
2390. Walter Trout Band - Tellin' Stories - 12 - Take Care Of Business.mp3
2391. Walter Trout Band - Time For Movin' On (4:25)
2392. Walter Trout Band - Tremble (5:13)
2393. Whitesnake - Fool For Your Loving (4:11)
2394. Whitesnake - Judgment Day (5:16)
2395. Whitesnake - Now You're Gone (4:12)
2396. Whitesnake - Slip Of The Tongue - 01 - Slip Of The Tongue.mp3
2397. Whitesnake - Slip Of The Tongue - 02 - Cheap An' Nasty.mp3
2398. Whitesnake - Slip Of The Tongue - 05 - Kittens Got Claws.mp3
2399. Whitesnake - Slip Of The Tongue - 06 - Wings Of The Storm.mp3
2400. Whitesnake - Slip Of The Tongue - 09 - Slow Poke Music.mp3
2401. Whitesnake - Slip Of The Tongue - 10 - Sailing Ships.mp3
2402. Whitesnake - The Deeper The Love (4:23)
2403. Wilder Wein (5:42)
2404. Without (4:58)
2405. Without (4:58)
2406. Xenya - Matrix Theme(Techno Remix) (6:48)
2407. Yes - 90125 - 02 - Hold On.mp3
2408. Yes - 90125 - 03 - It Can Happen.mp3
2409. Yes - 90125 - 05 - Cinema.mp3
2410. Yes - 90125 - 06 - Leave It.mp3
2411. Yes - 90125 - 07 - Our Song.mp3
2412. Yes - 90125 - 08 - City Of Love.mp3
2413. Yes - Changes (6:19)
2414. Yes - Hearts (7:35)
2415. Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart (4:30)
2416. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 01 - Prelude.mp3
2417. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 02 - I'll See the Light, Tonight.mp3
2418. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 03 - Don't Let it End.mp3
2419. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 04 - Disciples of Hell.mp3
2420. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 05 - I am a Viking.mp3
2421. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 07 - Anguish and Fear.mp3
2422. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 08 - On the Run Again.mp3
2423. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 09 - Soldier without Faith.mp3
2424. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 10 - Caught in the Middle.mp3
2425. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Marching Out - 11 - Marching out.mp3
2426. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Overture 1383 (2:58)
2427. Yngwie Malmsteen - Alone In Paradise (4:33)
2428. Yngwie Malmsteen - Anthem (4:18)
2429. Yngwie Malmsteen - Braveheart (5:19)
2430. Yngwie Malmsteen - Carry On Wayward Son (5:09)
2431. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 02 - Facing The Animal.mp3
2432. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 03 - Enemy.mp3
2433. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 04 - Sacrifice.mp3
2434. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 05 - Like An Angel - For April.mp3
2435. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 06 - My Resurrection.mp3
2436. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 07 - Another Time.mp3
2437. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 08 - Heathens From The North.mp3
2438. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 10 - End Of My Rope.mp3
2439. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 11 - Only The Strong.mp3
2440. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 12 - Poison In Your Veins.mp3
2441. Yngwie Malmsteen - Facing The Animal - 13 - Air On A Theme.mp3
2442. Yngwie Malmsteen - Gates Of Babylon (7:12)
2443. Yngwie Malmsteen - In The Dead Of Night (6:11)
2444. Yngwie Malmsteen - Inspiration - 04 - Manic Depression.mp3
2445. Yngwie Malmsteen - Inspiration - 06 - Mistreated.mp3
2446. Yngwie Malmsteen - Inspiration - 07 - The Sails Of Charon.mp3
2447. Yngwie Malmsteen - Inspiration - 08 - Demon's Eye.mp3
2448. Yngwie Malmsteen - Inspiration - 10 - Child In Time.mp3
2449. Yngwie Malmsteen - Pictures Of Home (4:56)
2450. Zebda - Tomber La Chemise (4:23)
2451. ZiKO - Electronic Pleasure (1:51)
2452. ZZ TOP - 2000 Blues (4:45)
2453. ZZ TOP - Apologies To Pearly (2:47)
2454. ZZ TOP - Bar-B-Q (3:22)
2455. ZZ TOP - Burger Man (3:19)
2456. ZZ TOP - Chevrolet (3:19)
2457. ZZ TOP - Concrete And Steel (3:49)
2458. ZZ TOP - Decision Or Collision (4:03)
2459. ZZ TOP - Doubleback (3:15)
2460. ZZ TOP - Doubleback (3:54)
2461. ZZ TOP - Down Brownie (2:26)
2462. ZZ TOP - Francine (2:53)
2463. ZZ TOP - Gimme All Your Lovin' (4:07)
2464. ZZ TOP - Give It Up (3:33)
2465. ZZ TOP - Gun Love (3:41)
2466. ZZ TOP - I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide (3:30)
2467. ZZ TOP - Just Got Paid (3:48)
2468. ZZ TOP - Ko Ko Blue (4:23)
2469. ZZ TOP - Lovething (3:26)
2470. ZZ TOP - Mushmouth Shoutin (3:45)
2471. ZZ TOP - My Head's In Mississippi (3:04)
2472. ZZ TOP - My Head's In Mississippi (4:25)
2473. ZZ TOP - Pearl Necklace (4:06)
2474. ZZ TOP - Penthouse Eyes (3:47)
2475. ZZ TOP - Rough Boy (3:49)
2476. ZZ TOP - Sharp Dressed Man (3:35)
2477. ZZ TOP - Sure Got Cold After The Rain Fell (6:49)
2478. ZZ TOP - Tell It (4:48)
2479. ZZ TOP - Tush (4:52)
2480. ZZ TOP - Viva Las Vegas (3:32)
2481. ZZ TOP - Whiskey'n Mama (3:20)



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Ecrit le 04 mars06, 07:24

Message par florence.yvonne »

tu as oublié Mozart :D


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Enregistré le : 29 janv.06, 23:12
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Ecrit le 04 mars06, 09:07

Message par Atheos »

Tu as une drole de facon de classer ... et ca sent le p2p à 100 km :lol: (moi aussi hein, je critique pas).

Et pour Rammstein faut se tenir à jour, les deux derniers albums tu les as pas (Reise Reise et Rosenrot).

Et j'aime tout ce que je connais dans ta liste (sauf quelques exceptions). Mais y a la moitié que je connais pas aussi ... Genre dj bazar et machin.


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Enregistré le : 23 févr.06, 19:13
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Re: Quelle musique écoutez-vous?

Ecrit le 06 mars06, 22:16

Message par Agredel »

Mahboul a écrit :La musique adoucie les moeurs

Voilà une question simple mais qui aura peut être le mérite de faire partager à tousvotre culture musicale!
Voila plus de 5 ans que je ne suis plus les evolutions musicales.

Pour ma part je reste tres attache a Gerard Manset et autre classique francais (renaud, brel ect.)

J'ai decouvert recemment un genre de musique indienne a travers les Bolywood et j'avoue que si les paroles ne sont pas tres philosophique, la musique en est agreable. Pour ma part je ne recherche que ce qui plait a mon oreille et ravi mon ame.
J'aprecie autant ce qui est traditionnel que populaire ou ce qui est plus elabore.

Cela dit j'aimerai bien reentendre le Carmina Burana de Carl Orf, Casse noisette, lerequiem de Mozard et de Faure.


Christianisme [Témoins_de_Jéhovah]
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Christianisme [Témoins_de_Jéhovah]
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Re: Quelle musique écoutez-vous?

Ecrit le 13 oct.13, 08:57

Message par medico »

la musique comme instrument de torture.
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xwyjgj ... rture_news
(Isaïe 30:15) Votre force résidera en ceci : dans le fait de rester calmes et [aussi] dans la confiance . AM - JW - Les Témoins de Jéhovah




Ecrit le 18 oct.13, 08:56

Message par ultrafiltre »

IIuowolus a écrit :J'ai un peux tout ce qui est beau donc
C'est un peu long....
bon eh bien merci IIluowolus
moi j'en suis que là avec Eric Clapton:




Ecrit le 18 oct.13, 09:34

Message par ultrafiltre »

Pasteur Patrick a écrit :Que veut dire "une musique métal" ?
de la percussion comme le métallophone, le triangle ?
bon alors sauf erreur de mes fantasmes(ce qui reste possible donc pas à négliger)
la musique suit l'histoire de l'humain
il existe un âge du paléolithique
puis un âge du bronze puis du fer
avec la musique c'est Kif / kif
il existe un âge du Metal et on est en plein dedans
après je suis pas Dieu je sais pas où on va ...mais il est là et bien aimable...car un humain c'est fait aussi pour aimer...



Re: Quelle musique écoutez-vous?

Ecrit le 18 oct.13, 10:11

Message par ultrafiltre »

...mais n'empêche (suivre mon dernier post) que c'est avec une certaine aversion mystique que je cite mon maitre:
« Je suis d'avis, camarades, qu'on devrait en finir avec la monotonie du Yeah Yeah Yeah. […] Devons-nous vraiment copier toutes les saletés qui nous viennent de l'Ouest ? » (1965, au 11e congrès du Comité Central du SED, contre la musique rock de l'Ouest)
la réponse sera évidemment non!
Grâce à Nina Hagen car en fait on a rien recopié
mais ne dites pas ça à mon maitre il a trop vécu et on en ai fatigué...lui comme nous... 8-)



Re: Quelle musique écoutez-vous?

Ecrit le 18 oct.13, 10:38

Message par ultrafiltre »

c'est sûr que ça!
ça dépasse le humain moyen:


mais ça c'est pas ... pas fait pour sa nature ... beh en fait non...ça je suis désolé mais c'est pas pour "nous"
mais c'est quand même pour quelqu'un...mais qui ?

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