Soultan a écrit :Nous sommes extraterrestres dans le sens ou extra cette manière la appelé terre oui
et venu d'ailleurs oui, du monde parallèle, spirituel à ce monde la physique, charnel
ou disons de dimensions supérieurs à ses dimensions inférieurs, c'est cela le sens de la descente
* Je te rejoins là dessus, le mot descente m'a frappé car il est utilisé dans la causalité descendante.
Un cardiologue est interrogé à propos des expériences de mort imminente et affirme que la conscience est non locale comme en physique quantique (voir videos de Guillemant et la théorie de l'information) il est pour une théorie de la causalité descendante (l'esprit agit sur la matière, et non le paradigme actuel, l'esprit émerge de la matière). Il est à noter que van Lommel et Guillemant remettent tous les deux en cause le darwinisme - ce qui ne veut pas dire bien évidemment qu'ils cautionnent la théorie de la creation en 7 jours
a la 36e minute pour ceux qui veulent gagner du temps.
* Pour ce qui est de l'origine ET, au sens basique, Billy Meier affirme certaines choses sur des vagues d'immigrations successives d'ETs humains qui auraient évolués dans des systèmes solaires différents et à des époques différentes qui seraient venus, partis, revenus etc. qui se seraient eux mêmes mélangés avec les véritables terriens primitifs. (voir le conte d'Atra Hasis, la genèse selon les Mésopotamiens qui a inspiré fortement la genèse de l'ancien testament)
Les asiatiques seraient d'ailleurs les descendants de ceux qui sont arrivés en dernier.
Pour un aperçu de ce qu'il raconte en anglais :
Et oui je sais, on n'y croit ou pas. Le but du "jeu" est de montrer que c'est faux.
Pour le plaisir :
The Chronology of Earth History
This chart shows important moments in Earth history based on information from the Pleiadians. Dates are only estimates to show the chronology of events.
22 Million B.C. The first Lyrans come to Earth and colonize.
387,000 B.C. 144,207 Lyrans come to Earth and settle here, forever changing the genetics of Earthman.
228,000 B.C. A Lyran leader named Asael leads 360,000 Lyrans to a new home in the Pleiades.
226,000 B.C. Asael dies and his daughter Pleja becomes ruler. The system is now called the Plejas.
225,000 B.C. Pleja scout ships discover Earth, and colonies are founded here and on Mars and Milona.
196,000 B.C. War breaks out on Earth and its people are evacuated to the Plejas. Forty years later Milona destroys itself and becomes the asteroid belt. Mars is thrown out of orbit and all life is gone.
116,000 B.C. For the past 80,000 years several small colonies have been tried by the Lyrans-mostly exiled criminals.
71,344 B.C. The Great Pyramids are built in Egypt, China, and South America by Lyrans.
58,000 B.C. The Great Plan. The Pleiadians build a great society on Earth that lasts for almost 10,000 years.
48,000 B.C. Ishwish Pelegon comes to Earth and builds a wonderful society that lasts for around 10,000 years.
31,000 B.C. Atlantis is founded by a man named Atlant, who comes with his people from the Barnard Star system.
30,500 B.C. The great city of Mu is founded by Muras, the father of Atlant's wife, Karyatide. His empire is sometimes called Lemuria.
30,000 B.C. The black race comes from Sirius.
16,000 B.C. Arus is exiled from Earth for trying to start wars. He hides out with his followers in the Beta Centauri star system.
14,000 B.C. Arus and his men return to Earth and settle in Hyperborea, which is the current location of Florida.
13,000 B.C. The scientist Semjasa, the second in command to Arus, creates two Adams, who bear a child named Seth. This becomes the legend of Adam and Eve.
11,000 B.C. Arus II attacks the Sumerians, who flee into the mountains.
11,000 B.C. A group of ETs of unknown origin arrive, led by a leader named Viracocoha, who controlled the city of Tiahuanaco. His base was on an island named Mot. He provided the inhabitants of Easter Island the tools to build the strange statues there which represent him.
9500 B.C. The Pleiadians cause the old spirit-form from Lahson to come to Earth - later the incarnation of Meier.
9498 B.C. Atlantis and Mu destroy each other and ruin the planet. The air is not breathable for 50 years. All survivors are driven underground.
9448 B. C. Jehovan, the third son of Arus II, takes over the three remaining tribes left on Earth and becomes the ruler.
8239 B. C. The Destroyer Comet passes closely by Earth and causes the Atlantic ocean to part.
8104 B.C. The Biblical Flood.
ca.6000 B.C. Venus is pulled out of its orbit around the planet Uranus by the Destroyer Comet and is in orbit around the sun.
5981 B.C. The Destroyer Comet comes close to Earth, causing great destruction. It also changes the orbit of Venus.
4930 B.C. The Destroyer Comet once again passes close by Earth, causing tidal waves of destruction.
5000 B.C. Jehav, the son of Jehovan, takes over rulership.
1500 B.C. The Destroyer Comet passes by Earth, causing the Santorini Volcano to erupt. It also pulls Venus into its current orbit around the sun.
1320 B.C. Jehav is murdered by his son, Arussem, who has two sons named Salem and Ptaah.
1010 B.C. Arusseam is driven out of power by his sons and hides out under the Great Pyramid with his followers. They call themselves the Bafath. This rest of this chart shows important moments in Earth history after procreating the spirit-form of Jmmanuel to carry on the teachings of creation.
32 A. D. Jmmanuel is crucified on the cross.