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Posté : 13 sept.05, 13:07
par felix
ben si ya eu quelques uns quand même : Averroès ...
Je suis qu 'en cherchant un peu tu vas en trouver d'autre ...
Posté : 13 sept.05, 20:03
par proserpina
Averroes etait plutot un penseur libre.
Du reste il plaisait peu au religieux et a fini par etre expulsé
Posté : 13 sept.05, 20:08
par moodyman
Felix dit:ben si ya eu quelques uns quand même : Averroès ...
Je suis qu 'en cherchant un peu tu vas en trouver d'autre ...
Tire du precedent lien:
al-Ghazali. enough said.
* Ibn Sina and al-Farabi, the Muslim philosophers that al-Ghazali refuted.
* Ibn Rushd, one of the Muslim philosophers that tried to refute some of al-Ghazali's arguments.
* Fakhr ad-Din ar-Razi. Need I say more.
* Ahmad bin Hanbal.
* Imam al-Jawazi. A Hanabali and a famous Orator in his own right.
* Sayad al-Khahatir
* Sifat al-Safawh
* Imam ibn Qiyam al-Jawaziyah a famous student of Ibn Taymiayah.
* Standard Bio in English.
* Another Standard bio in English
* Madarij al-Salikeen (Stations of Seekers) Sufi work
* Tarik al-Hijrateen (Path of dual Migrations) another Sufi work
* Ighathat al-Lafhan min Masayid al-Shiytan (Rescuing the Bedazzled from Satan's Traps) in Arabic. (link) A very unique work on Human psychology!
* Rawadat al-Muhibeen (Lover's Garden) in Arabic. (link) yes! a book on Love!
* Miftah Dar al-Saadah (Keys to the abode of Bliss) in Arabic. (link) How to get to paradise.
* Hadi al-Arwah (Uniter of Souls) in Arabic. (link) How to get to Paradise
* Idat al-Sabreen (Tools for Patience) in Arabic. How to be Patient in times of trouble.
* al-Fawaid (What is Beneficial) in Arabic. Unique commentary on Hadith.
* ahkam ahl-al-thimah (Laws of Dhimis)
* Furisyah (Foresight).
* Tarook al-Hikmyah