cichorium a écrit :Homosexualité ( vérité biblique Absolue )
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Qu'enseigne la Bible quant à la pratique de l'homosexualité ? La réponse est dans la Bible — Romains 1.26-27 (SEG) : « C'est pourquoi Dieu les a livrés à des passions infâmes : car leurs femmes ont changé l'usage naturel en celui qui est contre nature ; et de même les hommes, abandonnant l'usage naturel de la femme, se sont enflammés dans leurs désirs les uns pour les autres, commettant homme avec homme des choses infâmes, et recevant en eux-mêmes le salaire que méritait leur égarement. »
Romans 1:26-27
The King James Version translates these verses as:
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another, Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
The translators are showing their biases again. The Greek phrase para physin is commonly translated into the English word "unnatural". This is an error. Unnatural implies that the act is morally condemned. In Greek, the phrase really means "that which is beyond the ordinary and usual." "Unconventional" would be a good word to have used.
The preceding verses are important to consider:
Verse 23: The people being described had once been followers of God, but had fallen away from the faith. They made images of Pagan gods in the form of men, birds, animals and reptiles for their religious rituals, presumably in their temples.
Verse 24: Next, they engaged in [presumably heterosexual] sexual orgies with each other as part of these pagan rituals.
Verse 25: They worshipped the images that they had made, instead of God, the creator
Because of these forbidden practices, Verse 26 (above) explains how God intervened in these religious sex-rituals and changed the people’s behavior so that women started to engage in sexual activities with other women. Verse 27 describes how the men also engaged in same-sex ritual activities. They (presumably both the men and women) were then punished in some way for their "perversion."
There are a number of interpretations of the exact meaning of the word "perversion" in Verse 27, and "such things" in Verse 30. Paul may be referring to:
all homosexual activities under all circumstances. This is the belief commonly followed by Conservative Christians
all homosexual activities outside of a committed two person relationship; i.e. casual homosexual sex was forbidden, but monogamous gay and lesbian sex within a lifetime partnership was and is OK
group homosexual practices which are engaged in by members of a congregation
group sex practices (heterosexual or homosexual, during religious rituals. This was a common practice among Pagans at the time; e.g. in the temples dedicated to the Goddess Aphrodite)
Liberal Christians tend to interpret the passage as referring to options 2, 3 or 4. Some commentators interpret the passage quite differently:
In Greek and Roman society of the time, bisexuality was regarded as quite natural; people in some walks of society were expected to engage in bisexual relations. Since most of them were heterosexual, bisexual activity would be against their personal nature. A current example of this type of behavior is the practice by a few women at some women’s colleges to be "lugs" (Lesbians Until Graduation); they engage in same-sex activity because the university culture expects it of them. After they graduate, they revert to heterosexual behavior. This would be condemned because it is against their nature. One source (6) states
…God created each of us with a sexual orientation. To attempt to change it is, in effect, telling God that He created us wrong. The creation (us) does not have the right to "re-create" itself.
Some interpret the "men…with other men" clause to be a translation of the original Greek word for "pederasty" which was commonly practiced at the time by adult males with male children (often slaves). Thus Paul might have been criticizing child sexual abuse.
Traditionally, translators have carried their own beliefs about sexual orientation to this verse and interpreted the passage accordingly. The passage appears to be somewhat vague, and may not have been intended to be a blanket prohibition of same-sex activities.
Les pratiques homosexuelles sont-elles un péché ? La réponse est dans la Bible — Lévitique 18.22 (SEG) : « Tu ne coucheras point avec un homme comme on couche avec une femme. C'est une abomination. »
Leviticus 18:22
Some English translations of this verse are:
KJV: (King James Version):
Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination
LB: (Living Bible):
Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin
NIV: (New International Version)
Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable
NLT: (New Living Translation):
Do not practice homosexuality; it is a detestable sin
RSV: (Revised Standard Version):
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination
It is interesting to notice that some English translations condemn only gay sex, whereas other versions of the Bible condemn homosexuality, presumably including both gay and lesbian sexual relationships.
Conservative Christians typically interpret this verse as condemning homosexual behavior of all types: from rape, to casual sex to monogamous sexual activity within a committed relationship. Its meaning appears to be clear and unambiguous. This verse is often quoted in Evangelical churches and on ministry radio and TV programs.
This passage is a part of the Holiness Code which is described in Leviticus 17:1 to 26:46. The code lists 614 ethical and ritual laws which were to be followed by the ancient Israelites. The purpose of the laws was to differentiate the Israelites from their neighbors - to keep them pure. They appear to be a grouping of several older collections of laws, because many rules are replicated. A consensus exists amongst Christian theologians, pastors and teleministers that 612 out of the 614 components of the Holiness Code are no longer in force for today’s Christians. The code permits:
slavery (25:44)
It requires:
a child to be killed if he/she curses their parent (20:9)
all persons guilty of adultery to be killed (20:10)
the daughter of a priest who engages in prostitution to be killed (21:9)
the bride of a priest to be a virgin (21:13)
ritual killing of animals, using cattle, sheep and goats (22:19)
observation of 7 feasts: Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Firstfruits, Feast of Pentecost, Feast of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles (23)
a person who takes the Lord’s name in vain is to be killed (24:16)
It prohibits:
heterosexual intercourse when a woman has her period (18:19)
harvesting the corners of a field (19:9)
eating fruit from a young tree (19:23)
wearing clothes that are made from a textile blend (19:19)
cross-breeding livestock (19:19)
sowing a field with mixed seed (19:19)
shaving or getting a hair cut (19:27)
tattoos (19:28)
even a mildly disabled person from becoming a priest (21:18)
charging of interest on a loan (25:37)
A minority of Christian churches (e.g. Seventh Day Adventists) teach that worship is to occur on Saturday. (19:30) However, essentially all conservative Christian leaders teach that only one Holiness Law, the one which deals with homosexuality, is still valid today. Christians are free to wear tattoos, eat shrimp, pork or rare meat, wear polyester-cotton blends, seed their lawns with a grass mixture, and get their hair cut. But homosexuality is somehow taboo. We have been unable to find any logical explanation that would justify retaining this one law against homosexuality while abandoning all of the rest. We find their stance to be less than ethical.
Some liberal Christians interpret this verse as referring to temple prostitution, which was a common practice in the rest of the Middle East at that time. They note that to’ebah, often translated "abomination", is a religious term, usually reserved for use against instances of idolatry. If the writer(s) of Leviticus wished to refer to a moral violation, a sin, he would have used the Hebrew word zimah. The word "abomination" that we see in English translations of the Bible could better be translated "foreign religious cult practice." The Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (circa 3rd century BCE) translated "to’ebah" into Greek as bdelygma, which meant ritual impurity.
One source (4) makes a word-for-word translation of this verse from the original Hebrew as:
And with a male thou shalt not lie down in beds of a woman; it is an abomination.
In modern day English this could be translated as:
Men may not engage in homosexual sex while on a woman’s bed; it is an abomination
That is, "rather than forbidding male homosexuality, it simply restricts where it may occur." This may seem a strange prohibition to us today, but was quite consistent with other instructions in Leviticus which involve improper mixing of things that should be kept separate. e.g. ancient Israelites were not allowed to mix two crops in the same field, or make cloth out of two different raw materials. or plow a field with an ox and a donkey yoked together. A woman’s bed was her own. Only her husband was permitted there, and then only under certain circumstances. Any other use of her bed would be a defilement.
Un homosexuel pratiquant peut-il aller au Paradis ? La réponse est dans la Bible — I Corinthiens 6.9 (SEG) : « Ne savez-vous pas que les injustes n'hériteront point le royaume de Dieu ? Ne vous y trompez pas : ni les impudiques, ni les idolâtres, ni les adultères, ni les efféminés, ni les infâmes (...) »
Corinthians 6:9
Paul lists a many activities that will prevent people from inheriting the Kingdom of God (heaven). We have studied this verse as it appears in 24 English versions of the Bible and found that two activities in Verse 9 have been variously translated as:
effeminate which covers a wide range of male behavior such as being unmanly, lacking virility, decadent, soft.
homosexuals, described as men who have sexual relations with other men, abusers of themselves with men, sodomites and perverts. Apparently, lesbians are not included in this condemnation.
male prostitutes, also described as men kept for unnatural purposes. It is not clear whether the term male prostitutes is restricted to homosexuals or may also include men who are heterosexual prostitutes.
catamites, also described as boy prostitute. This is a young male who is kept as a sexual partner of an adult male.
The original Greek text describes the second of the two behaviors as malakoi arsenokoitai. Malakoi means soft. It translated in both Matthew 11:8 and Luke 7:25 as "soft" (KJV) or as "fine" (NIV) in references to clothing. The meaning of arsenokoitai has been lost. Some sources in the early Church interpreted the phrase as referring to people of soft morals; i.e. unethical. That may well be the correct meaning, because presumably people from that era would have still known the meaning of the word arsenokoitai. Others in the early Church thought that it meant "temple prostitutes" - people who engaged in ritual sex in Pagan temples. Still others thought that it meant "masturbators." At the time of Martin Luther, the latter meaning was universally used. But by the 20th century, masturbation had become a more generally accepted behavior. So, new translations abandoned references to masturbators and switched the attack to homosexuals. The last religious writing in English that interpreted 1 Corinthians 6:9 as referring to masturbation is believed to be the [Roman] Catholic Encyclopedia of 1967. Each translator seem to take whatever activity that their group particularly disapproves of at the time and inserts it into this verse. To compound their error, they have not the decency to indicate by a footnote that the meaning of the word is unknown. One can be certain that "aresenokoitai" has nothing to do with same-sex activity; much Greek homosexual erotic literature has survived from the early centuries CE; none of it contains the word.
The correct translation for the first behavior appears to be catamites, a boy or young male who engaged in sexual activities with men. A footnote to the New American Bible (3) reads:
The Greek word translated as "boy prostitutes" [in 1 Cor. 6:9] designated catamites, i.e. boys or young men who were kept for purposes of prostitution, a practice not uncommon in the Greco-Roman world….The term translated "practicing homosexuals" refers to adult males who indulged in homosexual practices with such boys.
It would appear that the best guess translation for these two behaviors might be: "male child abusers and the boys that they sexually abuse". We agree with the Roman Catholic translators that the two behaviors probably relate to that small minority of male homosexuals who are child rapists and the male children that they sexually abuse. The verse has no relation to consentual sex between adults of the same gender.
Comme tous les pécheurs, les homosexuels pratiquants sont appelés à la repentance. C'est dans la Bible — I Timothée 1.9-11 (SEG) : « sachant bien que la loi n'est pas faite pour le juste, mais pour les méchants et les rebelles, les impies et les pécheurs, les irréligieux et les profanes, les parricides, les meurtriers, les impudiques, les infâmes, les voleurs d'hommes, les menteurs, les parjures, et tout ce qui est contraire à la saine doctrine, conformément à l'Évangile de la gloire du Dieu bienheureux, Évangile qui m'a été confié. »
Timothy 1:9-10
These verses also refer to malakoi arsenokoitai which has been variously translated as homosexuals, sexual perverts, etc. Again, the original meaning of the text as been lost, and the comment would appear to have no relationship to consentual homosexual sexual activity.
Les habitudes de péchés en tous genres doivent être supprimées et il leur faut le pardon divin. C'est dans la Bible — I Corinthiens 6.11 (SEG) : « Et c'est là ce que vous étiez, quelques-uns de vous. Mais vous avez été lavés, mais vous avez été sanctifiés, mais vous avez été justifiés au nom du Seigneur Jésus-Christ, et par l'Esprit de notre Dieu. »
Sans rapports
Il y a de l'espoir pour les homosexuels pratiquants. C'est dans la Bible — I Corinthiens 10.13 (SEG) : « Aucune tentation ne vous est survenue qui n'ait été humaine, et Dieu, qui est fidèle, ne permettra pas que vous soyez tentés au-delà de vos forces ; mais avec la tentation Il préparera aussi le moyen d'en sortir, afin que vous puissiez la supporter. »
sans rapports
Que faire si vous êtes un(e) homosexuel(le) pratiquant(e) ?
En premier lieu, admettez votre péché. C'est dans la Bible — Psaume 51.2-4 (SEG) : « Lave-moi complètement de mon iniquité, et purifie-moi de mon péché. Car je reconnais mes transgressions, et mon péché est constamment devant moi. J'ai péché contre Toi seul, et j'ai fait ce qui est mal à Tes yeux, en sorte que Tu seras juste dans Ta sentence, sans reproche dans Ton jugement. »
Sans rapport
En second lieu, demandez pardon pour votre péché — Dieu dit que vous pouvez recommencer à zéro. C'est dans la Bible — Psaume 51.7-12 (SEG) : « Purifie-moi avec l'hysope, et je serai pur ; lave-moi, et je serai plus blanc que la neige. Annonce-moi l'allégresse et la joie, et les os que Tu as brisés se réjouiront. Détourne Ton regard de mes péchés, efface toutes mes iniquités. O Dieu ! Crée en moi un cœur pur, renouvelle en moi un esprit bien disposé. Ne me rejette pas loin de Ta face, ne me retire pas Ton esprit saint. Rends-moi la joie de Ton salut, et qu'un esprit de bonne volonté me soutienne ! »
Sans rapport
En troisième lieu, devenez convaincu(e) que Dieu vous a bel et bien pardonné et cessez de vous sentir coupable. C'est dans la Bible — Psaume 32.1-6 (SEG) : « Heureux celui à qui la transgression est remise, à qui le péché est pardonné ! Heureux l'homme à qui l'Éternel n'impute pas d'iniquité, et dans l'esprit duquel il n'y a point de fraude ! Tant que je me suis tu, mes os se consumaient, je gémissais toute la journée ; car nuit et jour Ta main s'appesantissait sur moi, ma vigueur n'était plus que sécheresse, comme celle de l'été. Je T'ai fait connaître mon péché, je n'ai pas caché mon iniquité ; j'ai dit : "J'avouerai mes transgressions à l'Éternel !" Et Tu as effacé la peine de mon péché. Qu'ainsi tout homme pieux Te prie au temps convenable ! Si de grandes eaux débordent, elles ne l'atteindront nullement. »
sans rapports