XYZ a écrit : Quelque soit la civilisation extra terrestre Dieu serait une intelligence supérieure et Dieu serait la raison de leur présence.
Crisdean a écrit :Ca ne répond pas à la question de ce qui les différencierait. C'est à dire comment serais-tu capable de distinguer une telle civilisation de dieu, et par extension, comment serais-tu capable de savoir si tu as à faire à Dieu, dans le cas où il se présenterait ?
Tu fais dans le vague. Et apparemment, ça a l'air de trop demander d'être précis.
J'm'interroge a écrit : Un Dieu créateur des possibles en soi est un total non sens.
Un Dieu créateur de tout est contradictoire dans les termes.
Une intelligence E.T. avec un million d'année d'avance sur nous, nous ne pouvons pas nous l'imaginer.
Une simple I.A. véritable laissée à elle nous serait inaccessible très rapidement.
Dans un univers si nous ne sommes pas les seuls, et il y a fort à parier que nous ne sommes pas les seuls, il y a aussi fort à parier que nous ne sommes pas les plus intelligents.
Or, voilà que nos dieux sont tout juste aussi intelligent que la moyenne humaine, si ce n'est bien plus bêtes des fois, et que les plus intelligents d'entre nous n'envisagent pas les choses comme des croyants...
>>>>>>> Il faut donc bien logiquement en conclure que dans tous les cas : l'intelligence est dans la nature infiniment plus qu'en un Dieu imaginaire et que s'il est un Dieu, il faudra sans doute plus le chercher dans un collectifs d'êtres issus des univers, que dans une cause première nécessaire.
Neil de Grasse Tyson a imaginé ce qui pourrait se passer si une civilisation extraterrestre avec une différence génétique de 1% avec nous, identique que celle nous avons avec les chimpanzés, nous rendait visite.
Ca rejoint ce que tu dis.
Ci-dessous la video :
Voici une retranscription exhaustive de son intervention de fin et qui rejoint ce que tu dis.
If you look at the closest genetic relative, to human beings, that would be the chimpanzees. We share like 98 plus % identical DNA. We are smarter than a chimpanzee. So, let’s invent a measure of intelligence that make humans unique. Let’s say : "intelligence is your ability to, like, compose poetry, symphonies, do art, maths and science", let’s say. Okay ? Listen, let’s make that as the arbitrary definition of intelligence for the moment. Chimps can’t do any of that. Yet, we share 98-99% identical DNA, okay ? The most brilliant chimp there ever was, maybe can do sign language. Well, our toddlers can do that, toddlers !
So, here’s what concerns me deeply. Deeply.
Everything that we are, that distinguishes us from chimps, emerges from that 1% difference in DNA. It has to, 'cause that’s the difference. The Hubble telescope, this grand ......, that’s in, that 1%.
Maybe ..... everything that we are that is not the chimp is not as smart compared to the chimp as we tell ourselves it is.
Maybe the difference between constructing and launching a Hubble telescope and a chimp combining two finger motions as sign language. Maybe that difference is not all that great.
We tell ourselves it is. Just the same way we label our books "optical illusions". We tell ourselves it’s a lot. Maybe it’s almost nothing.
We, well ... How would we decide that ? Imagine another life form. That’s 1% different from us. In the direction that we are different from the chimp. Think about that ! We have 1% difference and we are building the Hubble telescope. Go another 1%. What are we ? to they ?
We would be drooling, blithering idiots in their presence. That’s what we' would be.
Euh well. They would take Stephen Hawking and roll him in front of their primate researchers and say "well, this one is like the most brilliant among them because he can, sort of, do astrophysics in his head. Wow ! Isn’t that cute ? Little Johnny can do that too ! Well, that’s so cute !! In fact, Johnny just did that, .. let me just get it, it’s on the refrigerator door. Here it is ! He did it in his elementary school class.
Think about how smart they would be. Quantum mechanics would be intuitive to their toddlers. Whole symphonies would be written by their children. And, like I said, just put up on the refrigerator doors the way our pasta collages are on our refrigerator doors.
So, the notion that we’re gonna find some intelligent life and have a conversation with it !??
When was the last time you stopped to have a conversation with a worm ? Or a bird ? Well, you might have had a conversation but I don’t think you'd expected an answer, right ? So, we don’t have conversations with any other species on earth with whom we have DNA in common. To believe that some intelligent other species is gonna be interested in us, enough to have a conversation, they’ll look at our Hubble telescope and say, "isn’t that quaint ? look at what they’re doing ! "
So, I lay awake at nights wondering whether simply we, as a species, are simply too stupid to figure out the universe that we’re investigating. And maybe we need some other species, 1%, 1% !, smarter than we are for, which string theory would be intuitive, for which all the greatest mysteries of the universe, from dark matter, dark energy, the origins of life, and all the frontiers of our thought, would be something that they would just self-intuit.
I’m jealous of that possibility 'cause I want to be around for those discoveries.
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