Akach a écrit :A la lecture de ce Hadith
Peu après cela, Waraqa mourut, et la révélation s'arrêta pendant un certain temps au point que le Prophète en fut peiné. Son chagrin fut tel qu'à plusieurs reprises, il partit de chez lui pour aller se précipiter du haut d'une montagne escarpée. Mais chaque fois qu'il parvenait au sommet de la montagne pour se précipiter dans l'abîme, l'ange Gabriel lui apparaissait en lui disant: "O Muhammad, tu es vraiment l'Envoyé de Dieu". Ces mots calmaient son coeur et apaisaient son âme. Alors il rentrait chez lui puis, quand la révélation tardait à venir, il repartait de nouveau pour la montagne, et arrivé au sommet l'ange lui apparaissait, et lui répétait les mêmes paroles." Hadith 91.1
Un "prophète" qui tente de metre fin a ses jours, a plusieurs reprise malgré les mots de l'ange qui lui apparraissais tardivement, prouve absolument un veritable manque de foi.
Myth Refutation : The Prophet's ( PBUH )attempt to commit suicide
The arrows of the Islam enemies are successively aimed trying to stab our religion. In doing so , enemies use various methods , once by creating skepticism in the holy Quran , and other times by tarnishing the reputation of our prophet PBUH , in an attempt to lower the respect and esteem he gained all over the world.
Today we handle enemies allegations concerning indicting him PBUH of trying to commit suicide during the Meccan lifetime, during the period when the inspiration was discontinued and his tepidity PBUH after the first meeting between him and God's Messenger Gabriel
In refuting this allegation, we should have an overall overview of the stories they relied on while weaving this claim:
ibn-Sa'ad cited in " Al Tabakat " that Mohammad son of Omar said that Ibrahim bin Mohammad son of Abi Mousa narrated through Daoud bin al Husain through Ghatfan bin tariff through Ibn Abbas , may God be pleased with them said that: when Inspiration was revealed upon him while at Hiraa, he spend a few days without meeting or seeing Messenger prophet Gabriel to the extent that he became very sad. He kept going to and fro between Theiber and Hira'a mount thinking of throwing himself from the mount top, he suddenly heard a sound from heavens, he stood still of scare from the sound ,then he lifted his head . He saw Gabriel sitting on a Chair between the heavens and earth and said to him:" O Mohammad , verily you are Allah's Prophet and I am Gabriel " .
Imam Al Tabari also cited in his history books that Bin Hamidsaid : Salama narrated through from Mohammad bin Isaac had said that wahb bin kissan , servant of Al Zubair family said , that he heard Abdullah ibn-az-Zubeir when he was talking to Obaid bin Omair bin Qatada Al Laithy saying : O Obaid, tell us how was the very beginning of Mohamed's Prophet- hood ? The he recited the Hadith till he reached "… until he reached the night where Gold Blessed him with his message that was mercy for mankind, Gabriel was ordered by Allah to descend to ,e while I was sleeping and covered and he said " Read " , I said " read what " ? He then pressed me hard to death , then he let me go , and said again : Read " and he did to me what he did before and then let me go saying : " Read in Your Lord's name .. Read : In the name of thy Lord who createth… till his saying : " Teacheth man that which be knew not . He said, so I read. He then left, I woke up feeling as if a book has been written in my heart ".
He further said, I hated the poet and the mad and never liked to be called by these names in Quraish . He said I 'd rather go to a higher hill and throw myself from there and rest for ever. Them when I left towards the middle of the Mount, I heard Gabriel's voice saying " Oh Mohamed , you are God's Messenger and I am Gabriel " .
This same story was mentioned in Sahih Bukhari through Aisha , but in a different manner ; He said that Yehya bin Bakir narrated through laith bin Aqeel through Shihab through Abdullah Bin Mohamed through Abdel Razzak through Mua'mar , through Zuharei said that Orwah narrated through Aiyesh RAA sad " as soon as Waraqa passed away and revelation seized, prophet Mohamed became very sad and kept going to and fro among the mountains and whenever he reached the top of a mountain Gabriel appears to him saying " O Mohamed, verily you are Allah's Messenger and I am Gabriel " . Then he is pacified and calms down. Whenever revelation seized he does the same thing again and again. Then Gabriel appears to him and says the same thing again and again.
The conclusion of these allegations is that they used these stories to claim that He tried to throw himself several times atop of mountain Hira'a.
To refute these allegations we have to scrutinize the above mentioned stories as follows:
Ibn Abbas Hadith is through Al waqedi. And according to Moslem scholars Al Waqedi is not having a continues chain of narrators besides he left Hadith narration. He was also classified as "Matrook Al Hadith" (left narration) in both Sahih Al Bukhari and Al Hafiz Bin Hajar, "Al Tathzeeb" book. Matrook Al Hadith makes all deductions built on that Hadith void.
Al Tabari Story also is not acceptable with regards to the chain of authentic narrators and the story contents . The contents are not acceptable because it made Mohamed seeing Gabriel in his dream only while all other authentic narrations confirm that he saw Gabriel in deed ! Also it was said that Mohamed said to Gabriel : " read what " where as the authentic stories confirms him saying " I can not read " , let alone disregarding the incident when Mohamed went with Khadija to Waraqa bin Noufal .and that the second Time Gabriel was seen by Mohamed was after the discontinuation of the revelation and Mohamed's tepidity because of that .
If we scrutinized this story we will find the following mistakes : Obaid Bin Omair was not one of the companions but just a senior follower. Also, there were two narrators in this story: Salamah; known as Ibn Fadhel All Abrash , who was described by Al Hafiz Bin Hajar as " honest but confuses a lot " and Ibn Humaid Al Razi who was belied by some scholars such as Abi Zara'a and others.
Then we come to Al Imam Al Zuharei story which handled Aiyesha narration. This same story was mentioned differently in many sources such as Al Bukhari, Sanad Al Imam Ahmad, and Imam Abdel ERazek classified. But if one looks at this story he will discover its falsity, because the related stories of this particular Hadith never mentioned this incident; for Imam Al Bukhari referred to this Hadith more than one time and never mentioned this incident. The stories that mentioned this incident were inserted on Hadiths. Al Hafiz Bin Hajar also said: " the sayer was Al Zuharai .. Which means that these stories which reached us are formed by Zuhariai rather than being authentically reported through a chain of narrators?
This is considered addition which has no support as classified by Hadith scholars.
Iman Yahia Bin Saeed Al Qatan says : " the inserted versions of Al Zuhari are worse than any one else's mistakes. Because he recites, whenever it is possible for him to mention a name he does, leaving those he can not name, he also says he is like a wind".
Other indicators of this stories weakness and un-authenticity:
Iman Bukhari's story about Aisha when she asked prophet Mohamed "Have you ever undergone any day more difficult than that of Uhud ? "
He then replied: I have undergone tough times because of thy people, the worst of all was Al Aqaba Day, when I offered my self for Aly Bin Abd Yalil , Bin Abd Kilal , and he ignored me , I then left in deep disappointment , and I did not recover from this disappointment till I reached Wolves District " Karn Al Tha'aleb " . Here in this story the prophet confirms that the toughest day he has undergone was that when he came back from Taief to the extent that he remained deeply sad until he reached a very far away place from Taeif.
It is true that the prophet was very sad because of the discontinuation of the revelation but not to the extent that makes him want to commit suicide!
It is also very clear that the story is false because, if he PBUH wanted to commit suicide and Gabriel appeared to pacify him once , one time is enough to be rest assured that he is Allah's messenger and it then becomes meaningless that he does this time after time again , then Gabriel comes and assures whenever he does this !
Al These stories and allegations still do not have any proof to indict the prophet of a shameful deed as long as this has not been executed even though it was claimed to be thought of
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