medico a écrit :donne plus de preuves stp.
Les liberty Bonds une petite trace ici dans une article paru dans une revues chrétiennes
sinon nous avons les périodiques que tu as également dans ta salle du Royaumes ( puisque tu te souviens surement que tu m'as affirmer que les bibliothèques des SdR n'étaient pas ""vidées"" de leur plus anciens documents ... )
Nous avons donc la Tour de Garde du 15 Mai 1918 page (152-153) / [6257] du volume relié
"The people of our Association are not against the Government, nor against the Liberty Loan. Our thought is that the
Liberty Loan is not a religious question, but purely one pertaining to the affairs of the Government; and that each person
should ,be left to the free exercise of his individual conscience as to whether he will or will not purchase Li,berty
Bonds. Our views are very well expressed in a statement given to the public press some weeks ago, as ¢ollows:
"’The International Bible Students’ Association is not against the Liberty Loan. Many of its members have bought
and hold Liberty Bonds.Some have not money with w hich to buy.
Soit quelque chose comme
Les personnes de notre association ne sont pas contre le gouvernement, ni contre les bons "liberty". Nos pensées sont que les
bons "liberty" ne sont pas une question religieuse, mais purement une affaire du Gouvernement, et chacun doit être libre de l'exercice
de sa conscience s'il veut ou non acheté les "Liberty Bonds".
Notre point de vue à été donnée dans la presse publique convenablement il y a quelque semaines , comme suit :
"L'IBSA n'est pas contre les bon liberty. Plusieurs de ses membres ont acheté et possédent des "Liberty Bonds", mais, Quelques n'ont pas d'argent pour"
Je vous laisse la joie de traduire le reste ... surtout la partie ... "Les membre du Tabernacle" aujourd'hui on dirait brooklyn ou le béthel de Brooklyn ...
en gros on y incluerait le CC
with reference to buying Liberty Bonds. It certainly will not
and has not advised any one to refuse to buy bond~. That is
an individual matter which each person must determine for
himself according to his ability. The Association believes in
supporting the Government in every way it can and each one
should do so according to his ability and his conscience.’
"Some members of .the Brooklyn Tabernacle congregation
had previously purehased Liberty Bonds. Doubtless all had
.been personally solicited before that ¢ime. They are surrounded
on all hands by opportunities to purchase, and to them it
seemed irmppropriate to transact business in the church on
Sunday. There are six days in the week for the transaction
of business and Sunday is regarded by them aa a day for sacred
worship of the Lord.
Maintenant la prière pour la victoire
Cela se passait en juin de la même année
page (173-174)[6271]
In accordance with the resolution of Congress of April 2nd, and with the proclamation of the President of the ,United
States of May 11, it is suggested that the Lord’s people ,everywhere make May 30th a day of prayer and. supplication.
God t was graciously pleased to use this nation to be formed and to grow under the most favorable conditions in the world
for the preservation of liberty, civil and religious.
This is the land divinely "shadowed with wings"---overshadowed by the providenvial watehcare of God’s Word--
where God has lifted up an ensign on the mmmtain (kingdom), and where he has blossm the trumpet message of the truth.
Here the Iove of truth has for three hundred years attracted whom all quarters of the world people who love God, love the
Bible and love religious liberty. Here, practically alone of all the nations, exists in the func~ameatal laws of the land
the safeguard that so long as the Constitution stands no law may be made nor any governmental action taken prohibiting
the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.
Countless blessings have flowed to devout people through the wise provisions of the laws of the United States. blessing
whose influences have been felt to the remotest corners of the earth, wherever even a spark of love for God-~ven
freedom might be fanned into ~ glow. Here, more perhaps than elsewhere, exists that "present" which shall be brought
unto Jehovah (Isaiah 18:7), earth’s oblation (Ezekiel 45:1)
to God of that class who, when in the age .to come the restitution hosts shall be numbered, shall be found to have been
"born in Zion" (Psalm 87:5, 6), taken out of the world and given, in a figure, as humanity’s present to their God, to be
forever sons and servants of the Most High. This class love to "assemble themselves together, and so
much the more as ~hey see the day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25), and they will be of all people the most ready to embrace
an opporttmity of gathering in an additional service of prayer and Sul~lication. As says the spirit through the
Apostle Paul: "I exhort, therefore, that first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks, be made
for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may Icada quiet and peaceable life in all ggdliness and
honesty. For tMs is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior." (1 Timothy 2:1-~) Let there be praise and
thanksgiving to God for the promised glorious, outcome of the war, the breaking of the shackles of autocracy, the freei~
g of tho captives (Isaiah,61:l) and the making of the world safe for the common people--blessings all assured by
the Word of God to the people of this country and of the whole world of mankind.
Je vous le laisse également traduire avec google ...
je ne m'attarderais que sur le début et sur la fin , le millieux n'étant rien moins qu'une rhétorique patriotique chere aux Américains
En accord avec la résolution du Congrés ( des états unis) du 2 avril ( 1918) et avec la proclamation du Président des USA du 11 May, il est suggéré que toutes les personnes du "Seigneur" fassent du 30 May une journée de prière et de Supplication.
cette partie commence à "Let there be praise"
Nous prierons et rendrons grace à Dieu pour les glorieuse promesse , pour l'issue de la guerre, briser le carcan de l'autocratie, la liberté des captifs ...