La B I B LE est née en A R A B I E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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La B I B LE est née en A R A B I E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ecrit le 06 déc.04, 02:45

Message par saladin »

l'auteur kamel salibi est arabe libanais chrétien protestant sa langue maternelle est l'arabe il maitrise l'hebreu avec d'autres langues dites semites.

son nom salibi veut dire croisé car salibe vaut dire croix en arabe:
<img src=" ... ZZZZZZ.jpg">

Commentaire de : Un lecteur de Lyon, France
Dans ce livre, Kamal Salibi revoit la traduction des textes anciens de la Bible, et nous montre qu'il suffit d'un simple accent mal place pour changer tout le sens du texte. Il ne remet pas en cause la foi ni les croyances, mais les notions geographiques. Par exemple les descriptions du desert du Sinai ne correspondent pas du tout au lieu geographique mais plutot au sud de la peninsule arabique, les hebreux auraient ete en Arabie et non en Egypte?
Un peu difficile a lire avec les retranscriptions de l'hebreu et de l'arabe ce livre est extremement interessant pour tous ceux qui aiment revoir les idees acquises et admises depuis des millenaires. Il n'est pas necessaire de connaitre la Bible pour tout comprendre mais il vaut mieux l'avoir lu pour avoir un oeil critique.

:arrow: ... 56-5839448



Ecrit le 06 déc.04, 03:25

Message par saladin »

:arrow: ... &Nu=1&Fr=3



Ecrit le 06 déc.04, 03:54

Message par saladin »

hebrews from western arabia


bible arabia salibi

Bible came from Arabia, Kamal Salibi uk 1985

<img src=" ... ZZZZZZ.jpg">

Kalibi proposes that many old testament events, notably the Exodus, took place in Western Arabia:

156 the original vocal Hebrew,
widely spoken in western arabia & beyond,
has not been used since 5/6th century BC.

No-one knows its
pronunciation, vocalisation, orthography, grammar, syntax, idiom

at least 34 words translated as place names in the old testament
may be verbs nouns adjectives
[and vice versa in many instances]

our old testament versions from vocalised/ collated Masoteric 6-10 ad which sounds vowels by guessing original sounds of a language last spoken a millenium before

only consonantal text correct from 4/5 bc

Aramaic = targums = Syraic

35/36 consonantal text of koran unchanged since compilation & redaction of ad 656-644 around same time as masoteric so another possible original evidence source for arabian theory

149 el elyon god of mountain heights numerous west arabian gods equated with yahweh = hwh 'rise/ be elevated' not 'fall' [maybe both - fallen from high?]& not hyh 'be'
see exploded planet fallen from high

203 Asir mountains can have snow

124 israel = the height of God

202 hebrew bible tells full story of israelites to 5c.

152 214 Abraham means a god of the woods.

128 bethel = Butaylah Zahran highlands

26 israelites Asir west arabia exodus. 15 Saul Asir

29 west arabia place names from language consonantly identical with biblical hebrew & aramaic

23 of 1000s place names in Hebrew bible, only a handful liguistically identified with any in palestine. 31 only phonology/ morphology changed over 3 milleniums = a unique toponymic correspondence

33 no volcanoes to destroy sodom 81 or create fire of Yahweh

no granite for temple

both granite and volcanic sources in western arabia

209 68 17 koran volcano destroys arabia israeli garden at jabal hattab

81 Amos 7:4 deep is a west arabian place Tihamah

34 no geese/ chickens in western arabia - none mentioned in bible, but present in palestine

74 mgd [megiddo] has never been found in palestine. 2 are known in arabia

so maybe we should look for Armageddon in Arabia!

115 bible does not say that Zion, or the City of David was part of Jerusalem.

121 Only place not identifiable in Al Sharim, Nimas highlands, Asir seems to be Mount of Olives

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