Saint Glinglin a écrit :Le bouquin le plus raciste qui ait jamais été écrit.
Tu l'interprètes mal. Lis tu l'anglais alors il faut lire ce document:
Table of Contents
Part I: Framing the Conversation
1) Purpose and Parameters
2) Setting the Standard
3) Terminology
4) Human Rights
Part II: Racial History, Eugenics, and Civilization
5) History and Destiny
6) The Value of Variety and Racial Vitality
7) Cultural Progress, Overpopulation, and Subnormal Human Beings
8) Modern Peoples and Slavery
Part III: Hindsight, Insight, and Foresight
9) Skull Shapes and Skeletal Types
10) Aryans and Whites
11) Differences Between the Colored Races
12) Racial Blending
13) Eugenics, Race, and Morality